UA Entrance Exams

Start from the beginning

(he dodges and counters a few attacks from the robots as everyone look on to see why he doesn't take this seriously. but then another robot comes to attack him when)

Izuku: oh no POW! you don't BAM! i'll show you babies who i am! POW! WHACK! ZONK! CRUNCH! BAM!

during the instremental break

"He's demolishing the robots like it's nothing!" vlad king states surprised.

'i knew he was hiding his true potential' aizawa thinks. 'but why did he have to sing'

"i like this kid's style!" present mic says entertained by the song.

"the song's pretty corny" says midnight.

"you said it. why is he singing anyway?" replies snipe.

"i don't know but i like it!" nezu adds.

"that song is so tacky. it doesn't make sense." all might says.

"funny you would know what's tacky and what's not all might." aizawa says trying to pry into all might and see what he's hiding. 

Izuku does a few parlor tricks with his powers to fill time and ends up destroying more robots than most of the participants.

Izuku: that's right! not bad! karate can be lot's of fun! (get's punched) good shot! POW! thank you! that's one that i forgot! let's not. quit now! i'll tell you folks when i am done. come on! what's wrong!? you kids don't look so hot! 

OK we're replacing lyrics now. bear with me.

Gosh that's somethin! i'm amped up and i'm feeling great! 

Done replacing lyrics

haven't felt this good. since krypton knows when.

(get's punched in the face)

Don't you. Do that. Again.

GOOD NIGHT! POW! sweet dreams! BAM! so sorry i messed up your ploy but now you know!

BAM! SPLAT! don't fool around! BOOM! POW! with suuuuupeeeer booooooy!!!!!!!!!!!!

(song's over)

"super boy?"

"guess he's already thought of a hero name."

"well i think we know what to do."

"now what was with the song though?"

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