locked out of heaven - oboro shirakumo (angst/manga spoilers)

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This contains content from the most recent chapters of the manga going up to chapter 278. It also has characters in here that you don't know yet if you only watch the anime, the person this one shot is about hasn't been in the anime either as well. Please skip this if you haven't read the manga yet and you don't wanna get spoiled. I think i warned you guys enough now, so if you get spoiled, it's your own fault. Now carry on reading.

Another quick psa : the quirk with time traveling in the one shot basicallyworks on anyone but the person using it. You make a person go back in time, when they get back there they're also back in the body that they had in that timezone, so it doesn't seem off. The quirk has a time limit and before the person that's time traveling gets sent back to their reality, a timir starts to tick when their time is close.


''Y/n get up, we can still take you with us!'' Aizawa said as you were sitting on the ground, against a huge rock, while blood dripped down on your lap. You were thrown against that rock by a villain and you couldn't really feel or move anything right now. It was war against the villains so obviously people were going to die or get injured, but Aizawa couldn't accept you getting hurt. His other best friend dying by the hands of a villain was way too much for him, especially after Oboro.

You and Oboro used to be together, you guys were a well known couple at the school for some reason, maybe it was because his goofy personality together with Hizashi. Hizashi, Shouta, Oboro and you were a group that always was together. Oboro was the sunshine in your friend group. He would always go and help people when they needed help with something, even if someone was left behind, he would go back and help them to make sure they were okay. When he died it hit all of you differently.

When Oboro died in front of Aizawa and you, everything changed. You stood still right where you were and stared at his lifeless body, it couldn't be true. You fell down on your knees and broke down right there, Aizawa on the other hand didn't believe he was death until he stood next to you and saw his lifeless body.


You didn't hear Oboro anymore and started freaking out. You looked around and saw the thing you feared the most, Oboro was laying there, his lifeless body in front of you. You fell down on your knees and started crying.

''T This can't be happening! O Oboro come back!'' You cried out. ''I I still need you in my life.'' You screamed, hoping that he would hear you somehow. You moved closer to his body in the rubble, not caring how dangerous it was, you just wanted to hold his hand one last time.

''H Hey.. W Wake up..'' You said and carefully grabbed his cold hand. ''P Please y you can't leave me..'' You said and cried harder. ''Hizashi is that Oboro's speaker?'' Sensoji asked somewhere close to you, not knowing what happened yet but you didn't bother to look up. Hizashi looked at the speaker in shock and turned to Shota who shook his head. ''That can't be true, h he was cheering me on the entire time!'' Shota said and Sensoji just shook his head.

You just held on to Oboro while other people took the rubble of his body as you cried out. Shota finally turned your direction and when he saw people hurrying to get someone out of the rubble. When he saw it was Oboro and you were crying there next to him, his mind went black and he just stared at you guys, why did it have to be him? Just like it was planned, rain started pouring over them.

''Y/n you have to let h him go.'' Nemuri said as the people finally took him out of the rubble and you shook your head no. ''N No Nemuri, I I'm not letting him go!'' You cried out as you tightly held onto him. ''You have to.'' She said and you shook your head no. ''I I love him I I can't lose him!'' You said as you were getting soaked because of the rain. ''Y/n come on.'' Hizashi said and you looked up at him. ''I I don't wanna.'' You said but slowly let go of him after you placed a kiss on his hand. The people took Oboro away from you guys and you just stared after them, even when Oboro was fully out of sight.

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