"I saved the same table for you, so go ahead and I'll make sure you get the best Pho," Hanh said, a warm smile spreading across her face as she headed back into the kitchen.

As I walked through the bustling restaurant, I was struck by the sight of so many occupied tables. It was hard to believe that this small, quaint establishment had become such a popular destination.

Making my way to my usual corner table, I was surprised to see that someone was already seated there. I was surprised to see Jisoo here too, but I shouldn't cause we're in the same group of friends. She was resting her chin on her palm, with her eyes closed.

Clearing my throat, I scooted over to the opposite couch and took a seat. Her eyes fluttered open, and I found myself at a loss for words. "Hello," I said awkwardly, still taken aback by the unexpected encounter.


Hi," she said, completely at ease, unlike my own nervousness. "Let's wait for them," she added, nodding her head slowly. She inhaled deeply and rubbed her palms on her pants.

"Do you want to order first, or should we just wait?" I asked, meeting her gaze directly. She looked around the restaurant for a moment before shaking her head, indicating she didn't want to order just yet. I nodded twice in agreement, keeping my eyes fixed on her. She appeared to be exhausted, and I could sense a weariness in her posture.

"How's your shop?" I asked, trying to strike up a conversation and break the awkward silence that hung between us.

"Still the same," she replied with a brief answer. I remembered how she used to be, always chatting and rambling on about everything. Her mouth never seemed to tire as she regaled listeners with tales, wearing the brightest smile and making her the most appealing to everyone around her.

"Is it still in the same spot?" I asked, biting my lip as I tried to keep the conversation going. I was eager to learn more about her life since I'd last seen her.

"It's expensive," she said with a sigh.

"What is?" I asked, confusion furrowing my brow.

"The rent fee," she explained, and I could see the weight of the financial burden she carried in her eyes.

"Didn't you already purchase that piece of land?" I inquire, watching as she nods in affirmation.

"Apparently, someone else came along and offered the owner a more substantial sum," she explains. My eyes remain fixated on her, eager to hear the rest of the story. "Despite the fact that I had already made the purchase, the official documents were never handed over to me. It seems they are now in someone else's possession."

"That's unjust," I interject, unable to hide the frustration in my voice. "Why don't you take legal action? It's your right."

"Unfortunately, it would cost more to file a lawsuit than it would to simply pay the rent fee," she responds, casting her gaze downward. I let out a heavy sigh, feeling both sympathetic and angry at the situation.

"Wouldn't filing a lawsuit lessen some of the burden you're carrying?" I suggest, trying to offer a solution.

"I only have enough to cover my daily living expenses and a small amount saved for emergencies," she replies.

"Alice would be willing to help, there must be a way," I persist, my frustration mounting.

"But that's still her job," she responds, her tone even and composed. "And I could never ask for something for free. You know I don't like taking advantage of others," she adds.

"She would offer if she knows the situation, I'm sure of it," I say, attempting to convince her.

"Chaeyoung," she says, and I nod in understanding. After all, I know Jisoo better than anyone else and should be able to respect her decision.

"Hello there! Have you been waiting for long?" Lisa greets us as they enter, a warm smile spreading across her face.

"No, it's okay," Jisoo replies, her tone polite. Despite the fact that she may have been waiting for some time, she doesn't want to make anyone feel guilty.

Jennie takes a seat beside me, her gaze fixed on Jisoo as she speaks. "I must admit, I'm quite surprised to see you here," she says.

"There were no customers at the shop," Jisoo explains, shrugging her shoulders.

"Of course, it's Christmas after all," Lisa chimes in.

"You shouldn't go back to the shop later," Jennie says. Before Jisoo has a chance to respond, Hanh arrives at our table with a steaming hot bowl of pho and a plate of crispy spring rolls.

"Dig in and enjoy your meal," Hanh says, her voice cheerful. We offer her a grateful smile and begin to partake in the delicious food. I pull my hair back to tie it, realizing that I had forgotten to bring a hair tie.

"Oh, how I've missed this," Jennie exclaims, savoring the first bite of her meal. I reach for my chopsticks, eager to dive in. Suddenly, I notice a flash of movement out of the corner of my eye, and I see Jisoo slipping a scrunchie across the table towards me.

I gratefully accept the scrunchie, wanting to thank her for her thoughtfulness, but she seems distracted, already deep in the task of mixing her pho. I quickly tie my hair up, eager to start eating. As I finish securing my hair, I happen to catch Jisoo's eye. Then she silently swap her bowl of pho with mine, ensuring that I won't have to wait to start eating my food while I mix it and she also made sure it's no longer too hot so I can just start eating.

These small acts of kindness and consideration from her, I missed them.

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