Chapter 2

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"And I will see all your beautiful faces-" I got cut off my my intro by the door squeak open. I saw kian and jumped, I don't know what it is but kian gets me nervous, like butterfly's. I'm not gay. I'm dating Lia. "Next Thursday" I continued and shut the camera off. "Jc I'm going out" he said. "Ok" I said picking the camera off the tri-pod and hooking it the computer to render. I turned around and saw kian staring at something. "Aren't you going to leave" I laughed. "Oh um yeah" he said snapping out of his days. His face turned red and he ran out. That was weird.

*kians P.O.V*
I fought back tears till I got in my car. Jc will never like me. He is straight and is dating Lia. I looked in my rear view and noticed my eyes blood shot. I wiped my eyes and calmed myself down till I got there.

When I got there I noticed Connors car pulled up. I walked in and medially saw connor. I sat down and smiled. "Hey, sorry I'm late" I said wiping under my eyes. "No worries, anyways-" his smile turned into a slight frown. "you ok" he said. I busted into tears, "not really" I said chocking on the tears. "I think..I'm gay" I said slowly. He smiled, "kian there is nothing wrong like that, I know how you feel. Coming out isn't easy." He reassured me. "But that's not all" I added. I didn't know how I was going to do it but I figured it out. I took a deep breath. "Con, I like Jc. But I know he doesn't like me back, he likes Lia. Just that sentence makes me cringe. He gave a a smile and walked over to my side. "It'll be ok, don't worry" he said giving me a hug. "Thanks Connor, your the first person I told" I could feel his smile grow bigger. Lunch was nice, we eat and watched a movie at the cinema. At the end of the day, I dreaded going home to Jc.

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