Who am i?

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The reflection in the mirror isn't me,
It's what I've molded myself into to conform to what i am supposed to be
The names they call me swirling around the room,
Those names can't even apply to someone like you,
Not innocent but not completely stained like the others that surround me,
I'm just ever so slightly tainted, just some minor blemishes
But they don't accept that

I look in my wardrobe,
When did i start dressing like this,
I know its not me, but i dare not change it,
If i do they won't accept me, it's different, foreign
The clothes become more and more revealing with each year,
It's just me conforming to what they call me

The people I like never seem to like me back,
They toy with my feelings for a little before they reveal their true intentions,
Of course,
The same as everyone else,
An easy target,

I suppose the way others see me will never change,
But that doesn't mean it's true,
I know who I am, and I know what I'm like
And what i like shouldn't matter to you

A Rose Without it's Thorns Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt