"Oh," he mumbled, understanding what I was saying. "Oh," he smirked, suddenly amused. "So, you must be feeling somewhat fluttery." 

"Yes," I said slowly, watching warily as his hand traveled to my waist. 

"And somewhat jumpy." He grabbed my waist and I jumped, feeling a knot in my stomach. 

"Nick." I looked up at him, seeing that he was clearly amused. "I'm glad my misery and torture amuse you," I scoffed. 

He chuckled, leaning into my neck, placing gentle kisses on it. I placed my hands on his chest to push him off but he grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the wall behind me. 

I held my breath and tried staring at the ceiling and tried thinking about anything else. Literally anything other than the feeling of his lips on my skin. 

Which I also felt last night. 

But it doesn't work. When something is happening to your body with such strong sensations, it'll be the only thing that you can focus on. When he kissed my neck harder, I knew what he was doing. As Ella, I'd say go for it. I don't mind hickeys. But as a princess, I don't know about that. 

"Nick," I said, my voice wavering. There's no way. My body doesn't work that way anymore. It's like there's just something in my body telling me to just do as he says and let him do whatever he wants. And that is not good because we're in the library right now. He pulled away from my skin but his lips were on mine immediately. And then the thoughts of pushing him off went out the window. 

Probably the window that's on top of us, near the ceiling. 

He slowly let go of my wrists and I put my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. I felt him smile against my lips before he gently bit my bottom lip. I know where he's going with this and it's not in the same direction we went last night. 

Last night he was very gentle, he was taking care of me, we both were very careful. But right now may not be so gentle and soft and loving, if you know what I mean. 

He groaned in frustration before pulling away. "Not here." 

I caught my breath while he grabbed my hand and we left the library. Unfortunately, the second we stepped out, we were greeted by his father. This obviously wasn't planned on our part but it was most certainly planned on his. He was probably waiting for us to come out of the library. 

Nick and I exchanged a look before deciding to just walk past him and purely ignore him. And we did until we got to the staircase, which was when he chose to say, "It was not on my orders, Nicholas!" 

We both froze. I looked at Nick before we both turned around to face his dad. 

"Why on Earth would I... If she is pregnant?" he asked. 

"But she is not," Nick said, getting angrier by the second. 

"Well, she will be." 

"Yes," Nick scoffed. "But right now, she is not. So, I would not be very surprised if you did make it happen. If you are responsible for the way she was hurt," he said, glaring at his dad. 

Well, there goes our plan to have sex because we most certainly won't be in the mood after this. 

"We aren't even aware of who did it!" his father snapped. 

"You did it! You made it happen! Admit it!" 

I stood there, watching them yell at each other. Even his mom came in but unlike usual, she just stood beside me and listened. I guess even she knows there's no point making them stop. They had to go off at some point. 

I had never seen Nicholas so angry and when he took daring steps towards his father, I couldn't hold back. I ran over and grabbed his arm, pulling him back. "Don't, don't, don't, Nick!" I exclaimed, trying to pull him over to the staircase and take him upstairs. 

"Listen to me!" his dad yelled. 

"No, you listen!" Nick said, pulling his arm out of my grasp but doing it gently so I wouldn't get hurt in the process. "If you or anybody in this town tries to hurt her again, we are leaving! Do you understand? Then you can rule Merralith to your heart's content but we will leave! To hell with you and to hell with the people of this kingdom! If she is not safe here, we are leaving! We are going to Velaris, do you understand?!" 

I had never heard his voice get so loud with somebody. And it didn't surprise me or scare me. It was kind of expected. His father is putting so much on him, Nick was bound to snap like this. 

"Then you can do whatever the fuck you want about it!" He turned around and stormed off upstairs. I stood there, still kind of shocked at what he said. Would he really leave the entire kingdom just for me? 

I looked at his mother who was shaking her head disappointedly and then his father who was fuming. I couldn't tell if that was at Nicholas or himself. 

"Did you really expect him to stay, Benjamin?" I looked at my mother-in-law as she spoke. "If you are responsible for the pain she is going through, for the danger she is in, did you really think Nicholas would stay?" 

I turned to the staircase ready to leave. 

"Nicholas would leave even if you had her killed! He loves her and he can't bear to see her in pain! Do you not see that?!" she yelled. 

I could feel my eyes stinging. 

What the hell is happening?






Chapter 31

what do you think is gonna happen next? don't forget he's supposed to be crowned king soon

next chapter: crowned

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