"It's hot in here." I ran my fingers gently along the bare skin on her leg and the smoothness of them only made me want more. I slowly ran them up her thigh and around her backside, resting my hand on her bum, right under the underwear lines.

"It's freezing outside. I can always toss you out in the bits of snow if you want." I smirked.

She smiled again, still keeping her eyes shut. "And I can always beat the crap out of you if you want."

"Always so violent." I tusked playfully, slightly squeezing my hand against her creamy skin which made her jump a bit. I crackled, biting my lip when she began to place kisses along my clavicle. She nipped the skin, smiling as she dragged her lips up my neck and jaw to my mouth where she placed a kiss on the corner of my lips. It drives me more than crazy every time she does that.

"I want a real kiss."

"Nope." She smiled.


"I'm hungry." I groaned and she laughed then untangled her body from mine, but I stayed in place, watching her every move.

"Khloe." My eyes watched as she shuffled around in her suitcase. The white shirt rose along her hips, allowing her light pink, soft, cotton underwear to be shown along the curve of her bum. A smile bridged the corner of my lips as my mind started reeling on about how lucky I am to call her mine. In just two days, it will be two months since we've started dating and time seems to be flying by.

For our first month, I took her to a basketball game and got her a couple little things, but now that were back in the simplicity of Ireland, I think I want to just have a little date with her this time. I remember how excited she was on our first date, and we haven't been out on a real date since. Well, out to dinner and all. Maybe I should make that a thing of our where we go at least once every month...maybe it'll be for every month we celebrate with each other.

"C'mon, little boy." I blinked up to see her now dressed in still my shirt, but with navy blue plaid shorts swaddling her tan legs. Her long waves fell over shoulders, hanging loosely below her chest. "You can have a lazy day tomorrow."

"Little boy? Excuse me, but I am very much a man." I frowned and sat up. The cool air enveloped my legs, surrounding them with its chilling vibe. Goosebumps formed along my skin and I instantly looked to Khloe. "And how the hell is this hot to you?"

She giggled and shrugged but pulled on my hand. "C'mon, my little chef. I'm hungry." Shaking my head, I smiled and stood, pulling the soft, black, fuzzy blanket around my bare shoulders.

"You're crazy."


"Hey, babe?" My head snapped up to see Khloe walking out of living room and into the kitchen with my phone in her hand.

"Yeah?" I called back, moving around the island to pull her hips into mine. A small, chaste kiss was left on my lips before she pulled back, smiling.

"Greg called." Her finger nails trailed my biceps making me tighten my grip around her body. "He said that he'll be here to get you in an hour?" I could see the frown lines creating deep creases along her smooth forehead.

I sighed and threw my head back. I'd completely forgot about him coming. When I had called him a few days ago to make sure he knew what to set up in this house, he'd asked me to help him take care of some business. I didn't want to really, but I knew it had to be done. It's been long enough and we all need to be able to move on. Annie needs to be able to have her space back and I need to learn to just put the past to rest. Life moves on. Months after months after months have passed and it's time to slowly let go and start fresh.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora