"Gabby come on!" Brett yelled doing compressions.


"You can't leave!" Casey yelled looking at Brett ontop of her.

"Come on Gabby!" As Brett keep going.

"Come on!" Brett yelled crying.

"Gabby!" Casey yelled holding her hand

"We got a normal rythym." Brett yelled in relief as Casey smiled back at her.

"Thank you." He whispered gentley.

"We're here!" Mackey yelled

"Come on Gabby!" Casey told as Brett and Mackey rolled him in.

"Why!" Casey yelled hitting the ambo with his fist and falling to his knees as firehouse 51 arrived.

"Casey! How is she?" Kidd yelled

"Not good." Casey cried.

"Casey, she is gonna be fine."  Hermann explained.

"The little boy is mine." He muttered as all look at each in shock.

"I have a son." Casey explained in shock.

"Lets go inside." Chief told as all walked in.

"You're a father." Brett explained smiling

"Yeah, I didn't even knew." Casey explained walking in

"Dr Halstead, she is crashing!" A nurse yelled, as Gabby took her mask off.

"Tell Matt... I'm sorry. " She muttered

"No, Gabby you can tell him." Will yelled

"He will make an awesome father... just like with Louie...."


"Casey." All asked seeing him in shock,

"I told her to adopt, I was so scared she dies if she is pregnant. I throw her chance away and here it is. I can think why she kept quite." Casey cried as all look at each.


"I came as quickly, how is she?"

"She is in bad shape."

"He is mine?" Casey asked as Antonio nodded.

"She asked me to keep it qiute and give her time, I wasn't happy about it but, I expected her wishes."

"Why did she kept qiute?" Casey asked

"You both broke up, she found out she is pregnant after she came to visit, she told me she didn't want to tell you cause you wouldn't accept, since you wanted her to adopt, if she dies giving birth. It will be worth it, a new life in her place or a chance. She told me she needs time then she will come and show you. She wanted him to be part of your life even if she wasn't part of yours."

"She still loves you Matt, even if she wants to keep him and you save." Antonio told as Casey put his hand over his face crying.


"How do I do this?" Will cried falling to the floor, with his knees.

He stood up and walked to the rest.

"Will?" All asked panting in worried as he stroked his head, all mouth opened.

"We did everything we can, she is okay but not for long, we can't operate, she is alive but Internal bleeding the anyreysm can broke anytime we can keep her on life for a few minutes or seconds when the baby is out, we can remove the baby as soon as possible since she is 36 weeks, there is a bigger chance for the baby as the crash rumored the aneurysm for Gabby..."

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