Goodbye Kyoshi Island

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  "Guys!" I shout slamming the door open

  "What done with your date with Suki already" Katara hisses.

  "What? Katara we don't have tike for this!" I say

  "Oh but we have time for dates right?" She hisses back

  "Katara that doesn't matter right now ok!? Zuko is outside looking for Aang ok now can we just go take care of that please?" I yell back

  "Fine!" She yells pushing me aside

" *sigh* let's go guys" I tell Aang and Sokka

Zuko and three other soldiers mounted on Lomond rhinos are standing at the base of the kyoshi statue.

"Come out, Avatar! You can't hide from me forever!" He yells. He looks at the others on the rhinos

"Find him" he orders

three Kyoshi Warriors come jumping toward them from atop nearby roofs, knocking off some of the riders. A Kyoshi Warriors lands in front of the lead rhino and opens her fans. The rider stabs at her with his spear. She moves to the right, disarms the rider, and jumps up to knock him off his steed with a spinning kick. Suki can be seen running past in the background.

I see Suki run to Zuko avoiding all his blasts She jumps over another blast and tries to attack Zuko from the air, but he turns his rhino. The beast slams Suki away with a might sweep of his tail, knocking her down.

"Shit" I say as I see Zuko about to shoot fire blast at the downed warrior, but I run infont and earth bend a big rock in front of us not letting the fire touch her.

'Ow i guess I was a second late' I say as I feel a burn on my hand. I brush it off and get ready to fight Zuko. But before I could do anything a Kyoshi Warrior knocks him off as the rhino runs away.

Zuko pushes himself up and rapidly spins around on his hand while shooting fire out of his feet, knocking the Kyoshi Warrior back into the house and slamming Suki against a wooden pole, where she collapses in pain.

"Suki!" I yell I look at katara and signal her to help me but she ignores me.

"Aang help me out here" I signal him

  "hey over here" Aang yells. Zuko turns around and smiles

"Finally" Zuko commences by sending two fire balls in Aang's direction and the battle starts.

  I look over and send a glare at katara and head to check on Suki

  "Hey suki you ok" I ask

  "Hehe yeah I'm ok-ouch" she says grabbing her leg. I look and see a big cut on her leg

  "Oh crap ok hold on" I say grabbing a small vile out of my pocket

   "Hold still" she nods. I start to heal her wound.



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