ocean fear

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Katie slowly lifted her heavy head off the warm sand and admired her surroundings. The sun shone it's rays through the palm trees and onto her face, making it slightly harder to see. She turned to the left and saw crashing waves, despite the nice weather. As she turned her head to the right, Katie's eyes widened and her body stiffened like a peice of wood on the shore. It was her little brother's limp corpse being zipped into a body bag by two tall figures. The now traumatized young lady got up and ran through the palm trees getting cuts and scrapes on her arms and legs by Thorn bushes. The girl though she had found salvation when she reached a house made of wood but the door wouldn't open. Like any logical person, she walked round to the back but made a mistake that would cost her her life. She let out a bloodcurdling scream as she dropped to her knees and sobbed. Her father who was strung up to the barriers of the little house's back door with vines by his arms, had his stomach slit open to reveal his bloody lower intestine dangling near his ankles. She felt a small cylindrical object pressed to the nape of her neck and shut her eyes, hoping for closure. A shooting pain ran through her whole body before she woke up in a hospital bed, her mother holding her hand.

"Your finally awake.... How about we go on that cruise you were telling me about as celebration...?" Her mother said, intrigued.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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