
Hinata jumped to spike, the King had an appalled look on his face because of the unknown middle school's captain being just above the net. (Y/N) took notes on the first years to figure out their mistakes and how to fix them during practice, but when she looked back up, Hinata's attempt was blocked.

Koji and Izumi reassured Hinata that it was fine, but he was aggravated.

"Hey Sensei?"
"Yes (L/N)?"

"Do you know how the girls are doing?" It'd been a while since (Y/No) last talked to their old teammates; she missed playing with them.

"They're doing okay but ever since you left, I've heard that they've been down. Maybe you should go visit and cheer them on in their next game this week."
(Y/N) smiled at the thought, "That sounds like a great idea, I can't wait."

The two looked back at the score.

Hinata had tumbled and hit his back on the wall.
(Y/N) ran to him and checked his physical state, of course he said he was fine, he was always 'fine' when he was injured, but they swear he has at least three unchecked concussions.

"We don't want our captain getting injured on us now," Izumi said. One of the first years spoke, "We're out of their league anyways, so why must you go to such lengths?" Hinata stood up and (Y/N) swore the atmosphere changed completely when he spoke. "I don't know what you mean, we haven't lost yet."

No way did they actually- "YOU DID IT!" They finally scored a point spiking.


They've been doing good ever since that last spike, unfortunately, (Y/N) spoke too soon.


Hinata's attempted spike was out.
Ending the game.

Kitagawa had won both sets. 

(Y/N) squeezed Hinata's shoulder, letting him know it was time to go. But the one thing they didn't know was that three high schoolers were watching their match.

The group all walked out wondering what to eat for dinner when Hinata suddenly bolted down the stairs, (Y/N) looked in that direction and saw the King standing there. Hinata and him had spoken about something, but the other three were too far away to hear.

After the King left, the three of them ran down the stairs. Hinata bowed to Koji and Izumi thanking them for their help.
"Hey Koji, why ya crying~" (Y/N) teased, "NO I'M NOT!" He yelled while trying to grab them, she ran with him chasing her.

(Y/N0 had to buy our dinner that evening.

For the few months left of their third year of junior high, the volleyball club practiced with the girls which was great since (Y/N) got to play with old friends again.

Men's Volleyball Prefectural Tournament, Kitagawa Daiichi Bitterly Defeated

Huh...wonder how the King feels.

Soon graduation had come and go from then on, (Y/N) would be staying at her Aunt Tadano's house.


Hinata ran to the gym while (Y/N) trailed behind to see all the other clubs just in case they didn't get accepted as Assistant Manager. They overheard a conversation and being the little chismosa they were, she barged in.

"Sorry for intruding, but I know what it feels like so don't worry about it. It's as he said, it'll grow!" All eyes were on her.
Wow she's hot.
A silver haired boy patted (Y/N)'s back and thanked her for supporting his statement, "It's nothing, also very sorry for the intrusion once again." They bowed their head and walked away.

"What's your name?" The same boy called out.

"I'm Y/N L/N, First Year, and you?"

"Sugawara Koushi, Third Year."

The group of four waved goodbye to (Y/N), her returning the favor.

When (Y/N) reached the gym, they saw Shoyo standing in the doorway, pointing at something. She walked closer and Hinata yelled out-



Welcome to His Blueberry Eyes!
Thank you for reading and I hope to see you next time!

A/N: it's 2.15.23 and my eyes hurt lol, why didn't I put it in 3rd POV in the first place? I have no idea. Now I need to work on my presentation for US/VA Gov, peace out bros

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