Part 2

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Authors Note: TW: Swearing and Knives

When I woke up next, I was in a dark room. Surprisingly, I wasn't chained to a chair and my hands weren't tied together as I had expected them to be. I was lying in a very uncomfortable bed, and I immediately sat up and looked around. Dream was standing on the other side of the room, leaning against the wall, watching me silently.

When my eyes met his he exclaimed,"You're finally up,".

"You're the one who fucking gave me chloroform, you can't complain if I stay unconscious a bit longer than you wanted." I said glaring at him.

"Ooooh she's feisty. Well in that case Princess I have a few questions for you." he said, slowly walking over to where I was sitting. I blushed at the name he called me, Princess. He definitely noticed this, and laughed at how easy it was to make me flustered.

"Sit." he commanded, pointing to the chair in the middle of the room. I sighed and walked past him, bumping into him on purpose. I had expected him to stumble, but he stood stiff, making me stumble instead. He looked down at me with a frown and said, "For that I'm keeping your hands tied." He looked at Sapnap and George and pointed at the chair that I was now sitting in. They both rushed over to tie my hands together behind the chair.

"Is this necessary?" I asked, gesturing to my tied hands.

He seemed to stop and think for a second. "Depends on how well you cooperate." He said and smiled. I sighed when he didn't remove them. He started walking towards me very slowly, reaching into his pocket. "Where does Tommy Innit live?" he asked, looking down. I didn't respond, and he looked up at me sharply. "I said, where does Tommy Innit live?" he asked again. I looked towards Sapnap and George who were smiling wildly at me. They seemed to know what was about to happen. I didn't respond to Dream, who was still staring at me menacingly. He slowly pulled something out of his pocket, which revealed to be a knife. He looked down and started playing with it in his fingers. "Want to answer me now?" he asked looking back up at me. I shook my head, trying to stand my ground. He squatted down next to me and held the knife up against my throat, pressing lightly. I froze, not daring to move in the fear that he would slit my throat open. He pressed a little deeper into my neck, and I gulped, sweat starting to form on my forehead. "5" he said with a smile creeping onto his face. "4" I tried to pull away from the knife. "3" he pressed it even deeper and blood started to seep out of the cut he had made. "2" I was about to give up. "1" he said, his voice growing deeper.

"Alright, fine" I said, giving in. "He lives pretty close to me. Two streets away." I said, the knife a little further away from my throat now, allowing me to talk.

"See that wasn't so hard Princess." he said, smiling.

"Don't call me that," I said slowly, flustered.

"Why not, you seem to like it based on how strongly you're blushing." he said, smirking at me.

"I-I'm not-" I responded quickly, the blush on my cheeks growing stronger. He put a finger to my lips to silence me, which obviously worked.

"Is there a certain place you could meet with Tommy?" he asked. I didn't respond again, and he held up the knife in his hand once more. "Don't make me use this again." he threatened, glaring at me.

I sighed, returning the glare. "He was planning on having a party this week on Friday." I spit out. Dream's eyes immediately brightened at this news.

"Perfect." he said with a smile on his face. He paced around the room in front of my chair, and I watched him silently. He stopped in front of my chair abruptly, and turned to face me. "You will attend the party," he said eagerly.

"Wow thanks Dad!" I said, a slight smile on my face. I couldn't help but wonder, why was Dream letting me go to the party? Unless there was something he could benefit from it? I shrugged the thought away, happy that I get to see my friends again.

"Very funny." he said looking over at me with his arms crossed. "We will attend with you, to keep an eye on you. You must talk to Tommy and find out what he's up to." Dream said turning away from me.

"Well great. There goes having fun at the party." I muttered, throwing my head up and sighing.

"Oh and y/n?" Dream said, turning to face me again. He walked towards me slowly, stopping right in front of my chair, resting his hands on either side of the armrests, aggressively gripping the chair. His face was now inches away from mine, and I stopped breathing. "You are not to tell anyone about this, or ask for help in any way. If I find out you disobeyed me, you and I will have a little chat and there WILL be serious.... Consequences." he whispered, tapping his knife against my hand, his mouth now right next to my ear. I shivered, as I could feel his hot breath right on the skin of my neck. I blushed, and I could feel my entire face turning pink. He pulled away slightly, still very close to my face. A lopsided smile creeped back onto his face, seeing that he had made me blush. I looked away quickly, but he grabbed my chin and turned my face back towards him.


Dream's POV

I would be lying if I said I didn't do that just to see her blush. As expected she did, becoming flustered. Her breathing sped up. "Do you understand me?" I asked in a deep voice. She swallowed and nodded her head. She looked too flustered to speak. I smirked, and turned to walk out of the room pointing behind me at Sapnap and George, signaling for them to follow me. They did as I said, and caught up to me.

Once we were out of the room, George said to me, "Looks like someone has a little crush." I snapped my head over to look at him. He had a grin on his face. I shoved him a little, causing him to stumble into the wall.

"Shut up." I said walking a bit faster, but not denying his words. I looked back to see Sapnap and George sharing a glance, smiling at each other. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

Author's Note: Thank you so much for almost 30 reads!! That's insane!! This chapter really kinda just dove right into drama and stuff so expect more like this. I hope you all are doing well, and getting rest. Also, I might be slower to uploading now that school is back :(( But expect an update later this week. 

Love you guys!! <33

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