Chapter 1

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Shadowhunters POV

Clary was on her way to tell her family and friends what really happened the three years she went to go visit "old friends". But then there was a flash of white and she ended up in a room that looked like a movie theater with her friends, and people who she didn't know.

"Tom" a female voice said.

The First Time POV

"Come on Stella, we have to go the bench." Aubrey said. Stella, Aubrey, Jan, and Simon go to a bench dedicated to Dave, who is Stella's older half-brother, Aubrey's love of her life, and Jan and Simon's best friend, who went missing 7 years ago.

"Coming" Stella yelled. When she reached Aubrey, they saw a flash of white, and they ended up in a movie theater.

"Tom" a female voice said.

The Internship POV

"Billy, Nick are you ok?" Yo-Neha asked when she say them crying. She was with Yo-yo, and Lyle.

" Yea, we just miss Stuart, that's all." Nick said.

"I know, so do we." Lyle said. Stuart went missing 6 years ago. Then they saw a white flash and ended up in a movie theater.

"Tom" a female voice said.

Deepwater Horizon POV

The Deepwater Horizon survivors all meet up for the anniversary of the survival.

"Man, I wish Hollywood was here with us." Mike said.

"Ya, he always brightened the mood." Jimmy said with a small smile. Caleb went missing 5 years ago.

Then they saw a flash of white and they ended up in a movie theater.

"Tome" A female voice said.

The American Assassin POV

"How are you feeling Annika?"" Irene asked. Annika, Stan and Irene are all momouring the day Mitch went missing, 4 years ago. Mitch was like Irene and Stan's son, and Annika also fell in love with him.

"Fine how about you two?" Annika asked.

" Could be better." Stan stated as he took a sip of his beer. Then a flash of white blinded them and they ended up in a movie theater.

"Tom" a female voice said.

Maze runner

"Well, we need to find him." Brenda yelled

"I know but he ran after Newt and Teresa "died" Minho said. 

"Yeah, well we need to find him, so he knows we are alive." Chuck said. Then there was a flash of white and they all ended up in a theater room.

"Tom" a female voice said.

Teen wolf

"Wow" Thomas said. The pack just got finished telling him what he missed.

"Yeah, you missed quite a bit but welcome back at least." Liam said.

"Thanks Liam." Stiles says as he hugs Lydia.

"I missed you Sti." Lydia said.

"I missed you to Lyds." Stiles said before a flash of white blur their vision and they ended up in a theater room.

"Tom" a female voice said.

Note: I hope you like this chapter, sorry it was short. Also I will be switching between the name Stiles and Thomas, sorry if it gets confusing.

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