Dusa Gets a Goldfish

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Shades bustle about the hall as Dusa hums to herself, dusting some of the columns. She's one hundred percent in work mode. A Daemon of Dusting, as she likes to think of herself. Nearby the blood pool shimmers and ripples. Out steps Zagreus, prince of the underworld and total hottie. He is wearing his typical toga as he shakes off the blood of the phlegethon. Zagreus brushes back his tousled hair, which falls back in place in a natural cascade of ebony locks. Dusa tenses up as he approaches her, hoping he hadn't noticed her naughty staring.

"Ah Dusa, just the gorgon I was looking for." He steps out of the pool and begins reaching into his pockets. She didn't think his toga had pockets, at least it didn't the last time she laundered them. Dusa tries to focus on the conversation instead of where he is reaching if he indeed does not have pockets. "I found something topside you may like."

"Oh you didn't have to do that, Prince!" She says, face blushing and her voice wavering like a plucked lyre string. "Wait did you say to-" She doesn't finish her sentence before Zagreus produces a small fish from his pocket(?). It's eyes bulge and look in opposing directions. It's scales are a tarnished bronze color, and it waggles weakly. "It reminded me of you a bit. Luckily, it's still waggling." The fish makes a pained sound as it flops around hopelessly. "Blub" it says, with its last breath.

"Are you sure that thing is still alive, Prince? It looks...dead. Or at least dying." With that, the fish gives a final waggle and stops moving. It melts away, and from the blood pool a fish leaps out and right back into Zagreus's hand.

"Ah would you look at that Dusa. Resilient as ever! I figured it'd be a good distraction from work, and it would give you a reason to take a break." He plops the recently resurrected fish into one of Dusa's open snake mouths and marches towards Hades, ready to work out some daddy issues. Of course, Dusa takes a moment to watch him leave. Her eyes linger. Hot dang, what a god bod, she thinks.

As Dusa turns to look at the fish soul Zagreus had given her, the snake head he had handed it too has already swallowed it whole.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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