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I was making my way to the building that looked like a castle. I still couldn't believe that I was accepted at oxford university. After I got the email I immediately called Lilith, because I didn't have anyone except her but it was okay.

I looked up and I couldn't believe my eyes, it was breathtaking. I made my way over to the gate and stopped mid step, first I just thought wow but then my eyes caught bright blue oneS and my mouth fell open.

This could not be true. He said he didn't want to go to university just like Lilith. They made plans together. And now he was here with another girl under his arm. Lilith is gonna be heartbroken.

Oh my god, please don't let this be true, I thought shaking my head. Maybe my eyes were playing a trick an me or something.

The bright blue eyes connected with my light green ones. He looked as shocked as I was, he didn't expect me here either I think. But they all new it was my dream to go here, so he shouldn't look so surprised. And then reality really hit me.

Blake Dawson was here.

What if he was here with him ? How would I react? What if all the feelings and memories are gonna come back? What if I wasn't really over him like I thought I was?

I  know I was just 14 and he 15, but still you can't just erease a person like that.

Blake and I stared at each other for a few seconds when I broke the eye contact. I saw him whisper something in the girls ear and he made his way over to me.

Oh god, please don't talk to me.

I don't know if I can handle it. I mean the last time we talked was four years ago, when we were 14 and 15 and just finished middle school.

And in the next second he stood in front of me "Hey.."

I looked up at him and saw he had a small smile on his lips. I always liked Blake he was one of my best friends, well technically everyone in oure whole friendgroup were best friends but still.

"Hey, long time no see" I smiled back at him.

"Yeah" he chuckled. I really wanted to ask him something but I couldn't so looked around the campus and back where he previously stood, but he wasn't here. I felt a short sadness before relief washed thru me. I didn't have to deal with the feelings that always came when he was near.

I looked back to Blake and saw him watching me, I raised one of my eyebrows as if to ask what.

"He isn't here if you are wondering, so there's no need to worry. It's just me and TJ" he explained.

"TJ? I didn't know you guys wanted to study here. Where is he?" I asked while looking around, searching for TJ.

"Yeah.. Kind of changed our plans. And TJ's not here yet I was just waiting on him." He answered

"Cool" I breathed, not sure what to say next I tried to walk around Blake to make my way to the lecture hall but he stopped me.

"You can wait with me, and after we can catch up. If you want?" he quickly asked and I slowly turned around "Yeah, okay sounds good".

We stood in silence for a while, it wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either.

Soon he broke the silence "You know..." he began. I thought he would continue when he didn't so I asked "What?"

"We came here in hope to find you, and I guess Lilith too because you guys never leave each others side. We missed you guys and we knew that oxford was your dream and that you would work your ass off just to get in and we knew that you would make it. And so we also worked hard just to come here and reconnect with you and L." he explained.

I was shocked because I didn't expect this.

"Ahmm I was surprised to see you here to be honest I thought you would rather work than go to school and I didn't hear from any of you guys for three fucking years" I said.

"I know that we owe you and Lilith an apology but I'm just happy to have you back in my life. I really missed you" Blake said while going in for a hug.

But before he could, arms wrapped around my shoulders from behind "But I missed you more sis"


I quickly turned in his arms and threw myself at him and he caught me, while still holding me he spined us in circles.

"I'm hurt J. You weren't that exited to see me:" Blake said while holding his hand over his heart in a dramatic way.

"I'm sorry" I laughed while I freed myself from TJs grip and walked over to Blake and hugged him too.

"Apology accepted" he also laughed.

"Hey man. Let go of my little sis" TJ said and threw a playful punch at Blake, he just dodged it and laughed even more.

And in that moment I realised just how much i really missed my best friends, my family.

Then we together made our way to our lecture hall, turns out we have the same major and the same professors.

After a long day we also walked back to the gate and turns out nobody changed their phone number. We made plans to all go out again. And I really needed to ask Blake who that girl was, I reminded myself. I really hope for him it isn't anything serious or else I will and i mean it, i will throw some hands. Nobody hurts my best friend. Not even my long lost boy best friends.

When we said goodbye I immediately called Lilith.




x klara 

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