First meetings

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"Have fun baby and please give this place a chance maybe it'll surprise you," mom says before letting me out of the hug. "Make sure to call me," she rasps out, looking at me through tear brimmed eyes. "Love you," I murmur as she slams the car door shut and speeds down the road. I pull my eyes away from her car with a sigh and suddenly the rest of the world comes to life. My eyes wander towards the school corridors that I'm convinced reach to the Heavens, Giants and humans a like walk into the building through two different doors. There is a high fence (to humans) dividing the two races between two different sized doors one obviously meant for giants and the other for humans. Nerves kick in and little yellow buttercup flowers make a trail behind me whilst I make my way towards the human lines getting a few odd looks from giants and either a giggle or look of understanding from humans. "Hi!" a chipper voice sounds behind me and I jump turning to see four different faces looking directly at me, two girls and two boys. One of the guys had snow white hair completely contrasting with my curls that were such a deep brown that they appeared to be black, he had bright green eyes again contrasting my deep brown ones, a chiseled jawline, and pale skin. The second boy's skin was a caramel color, his eyes the same shade as mine, dark curls fall over his face making him look like the stereotypical slayed back surfer dude which was a little weird, because how could you surf when you live under ground. The first girl had curls just as bouncy as mine only a lighter brown with bleached tips, she looked Latina with her mixed skin and curvy figure and hazel eyes. The last girl was a tan color, she had wavy blonde hair, a slim figure, and blue eyes. "Hello" I wave to the four teens.

"I'm Eli," speaks the white haired boy. "this is Oliver," pointing to the surfer kid," "Darby," supposedly Latina girl "and Addilyn," blond haired girl.

"I'm Nellie," I reply.

"So!" starts Darby, "Where are you from? The four of us went to a public school in Patington (a human state directly under Maine) before we were tossed into this place."

"Ronte (a state right bellow Connecticut)," I reply with a slight smile.

"Isn't this place crazy!? I never thought I'd be in a school with giants," Eli all but whispers.

"Frankly it's a bit scary, I never thought I'd see a giant in my life, yet here we are" Addilyn chimes in. When she mentions giants I look up to the gigantic beings in the line beside our's, They had to be at least 80 feet. 

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