Nightmares begin from the Past

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Kurosaki POV

I'm running down the hallway.BEEP!BEEP!BEEP!The alarm rings with flashing red lights.The enemy has just broken in and I can't find my parents. The largest cage opened to reveal Igneel.I give a sigh of relief."Igneel!"I cheers running towards him.He smiles hugging me."So Lief actually did it."he mutters ."Igneel,we have to get out if here.Intruders are here."I warn."I'm going with them along with Lief."he says.W-what!?Please don't leave me. Tear flow through my eyes stepping back shaking my head in disbelief.I step in a puddle of red liquid.Turning around I spot my dad laying in his own blood and scream as loud as I could."Do you hate me now?I killed him."he mutters looking down,his hair covering his eyes.I couldn't speak."I SAID DO YOU HATE ME!ANSWER ME KUROSAKI!"he yells,his hair turns red as a person from behind injected him with some green liquid.Right then he collapse as the person reveals to be Dr.Sakura."My poor son.You don't know what you've done.So confused about the outside world."she sighs dragging him by his tail."So does that mean you can just take away our freedom."says a familiar voice behind me.I turn around to see Lief."Experiment 0.Are you the one filling my son's head with nonsense of the outside world.You know that's no place for a dragon demon like Igneel."she grins."What if I am.Igneel deserve to be free just as much as you.I know Igneel is different from the rest of us because he's your biological son,am I correct?"he questions walking past me and placing his hand on my shoulder.Dr.Sakura's grin turn into a frown."How did you know?"she snaps dropping Igneel's tail."Why treat him like a monster,he's your son!?"Lief argues.She grins picking Igneel up and kisses his cheek."Because he is one.A future Demon king of two worlds.And he's mines."she grins licking down Igneel's neck. "Tch,you really are one messed up chick,doc.Sorry but Igneel doesn't belong to you anymore but to organization 13."Lief announced summoning a scythe.

Right then I woke up shivering in fear."Nii-San."I mutter.I walk into the classroom and spot Kotaro on her desk and Flare just walked in with Nari.She looked pretty happy about something.I wonder what?After a few moments."WHAT I MISS!?"Igneel shouts rushing into the classroom,late as usual.I giggle at him panting.Boy it's been a long time since I've seen Igneel so happy.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 17, 2015 ⏰

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