,,Is this leading to something negative or positive?" I asked and she laughed.

,,positive." she said chuckling.


,,You were Diggory's girlfriend, right? And Malfoy's friend, I guess."

,,Yeah, sucks."


,,Sucks to be known as Cedric's ex-girlfriend and one of Malfoy's 'friends'." I said rolling my eyes.

She just nodded understandingly, which satisfied me and took some weight off my shoulders. Someone was truly listening to me. Someone I wasn't thinking was acting strange, someone who was in my house, someone who truly listened.

Yet I couldn't open up that much and tell her anything. My trust issues were still there after lots of people betrayed me.

I just told her, that I couldn't call me friends with Malfoy.

,,Why tho? You two seem really close."

,,No. We aren't close, why would you think that?"

,,The way he looks at you. I mean  I don't think he would look at his enemy the way he looks at you." She smiled.

,,Oh please. I think you're just imagining all of that. Draco Malfoy, looking at me differently?" I laughed, pretending to be unaware.

Yes, I saw him sometimes staring, but didn't think much of it. And it wasn't that dumb to think what she says is true, after visiting the memory, after him kissing me back then, after he said 'I'll wait for you', the sad look on his face.

But then again, the way he ignored me the most time. The way he was holding Millie's waist tightly, the girl who betrayed me. The way he was talking behind my back.

I was still debating in my head what to believe. Do I mean something to Draco Lucius Malfoy? Anything? The slightest bit?

,,I can see through your fake laugh." she said looking serious now.

I looked at her anxiously.

,,You can tell me what's on your heart, trust me." She said.

,,I'm sorry" I said looking down


,,Not trusting you-"

,,No, it's totally okay. You mustn't trust anyone you meet the first time." She smiled.

Then I decided; I'll tell her. Yet not too much, just some basic things she can now.

,,Okay, I'll tell you something 'bout my life."

And with that I told her about how I slowly fell for him, where he had always his mood swings; how hard it was to deal with everything; that I was friends with the famous trio and last, but not least, I told her about how I trusted my first friend in my house, Millie Greenstone, and how she betrayed me.

,,Oh, I'm sorry" she said at the end, comforting me. Then her eyes widened.

,,Who did you say?"

,,What do you mean?"

,,Millie Greenstone?"

,,Y-yes" I nodded confused.

,,Oh, come here. The same person betrayed the two of us." She said and shook my hand, giving me a quick hug, which made me laugh.


,,Yes, back in first and second year. We were friends and she told me about how she wanted to be Draco Malfoy's girlfriend, which was really strange, I mean first and second year." She said rolling her lips in disgustion.

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