Chapter 7

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Edward woke up once again, only to find himself chained by the arms and legs to a vertical board. Looking up at him were seven tiny humans.

"Hush! The beast is waking up!"

"Huh? What? I'm no beast. Release me from here!!"

"It talks!!"

"Of course I do! Now let me down!"

"We're not letting you down. We're about to start examining you, strange beast."

"Hey, I have a name! And what do you mean you're going to examine me?"

"See how you work. You're too rare to kill. So we're going to keep you alive, in return for co-operation, hm?"


The humans looked Edward over, head to tail. They got a ladder to look at his head. Edward growled softly as they poked around his ears and pryed open his mouth to look at his fangs. They then moved down  and examined the claws on his hands, then his chest and torso. They ran their hands across the feathers on Edward's lower body. That was it. He snarled at them, making them back off some.

"Oi, beast! You said you'd co-operate!"

"LEAVE ME BE, MORTALS!!" Edward shrieked, thrashing around and breaking the tight chains. He spread his large, dark wings and flew off as fast as he could. He had no idea where he was, except that he was on Midgard. Clasped in his talons were the two broken pieces of Cody's staff. After a few minutes, he began to feel faint. He landed to rest, and felt like he was being dragged into his own head. He whined, before everything went black.


Cody finally found himself as the dominant of the pair. He panted, running a hand through his now brown hair. He looked to the floor and saw his broken staff. 

"T-they didn't....they didn't...."

"Cody, calm down, we'll fix it..."  Edward attempted to sooth him, before looking around his mind. There was frost and ice everywhere. The moon was shining bright in the sky, making the frost on the trees shimmer. "Your mind...amazes me."

"Don't freakin' tell me ta calm down! Look what they've done!!" Cody cried, pounding at the ground in anger and frustration. He sobbed and held the two broken pieces of the staff close, wheezing softly.

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