Chapter 6

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When Edward woke up, he was in a cramped chamber. He had absolutely no idea where he was or what had happened. All he knew was that he had to get back to Randolf as soon as he could. He snarled and clawed at the walls of the chamber, to no effect. He felt the chamber start to move, and he whined. In a flash, his collided with another, and the two merged. In the other, he saw the prisoner from earlier. Except this time, this prisoner was awake. And his staff had been taken off him. He obviously hadn't been awake for very long. He blinked wearily at Edward, before jumping in surprise.

"Ah! W-who...where..?!"

Edward slapped him across the cheek, growling.

"Get it together, prisoner."

"Hey! I have a name, y'know!" The white-haired boy pawed around for his staff, panicking when he couldn't find it. He began pounding on the walls of the chamber, shrieking. "HEY!! GIVE ME MY STAFF, ASSHOLES!!"

"Hey, calm down..." Edward paused, hearing a machine power up. 

The walls began to close in, and the two got pushed up against each other. The prisoner growled at the harpy, freezing his hair simply by tapping it. Edward hissed in response, not enjoying this any more than he was. There was a bright flash, and Edward felt completely normal. He was now alone in the chamber. Thoughts rushed through his mind, but some of them weren't his. 

"Oh no...they merged us, didn't they?!" Edward thought, getting nervous.

"No kidding, genius. I don't wanna be joined with a stupid harpy, get me outta here!"

"W-what's it like...?"

"What do ya mean?"

"What's it my mind?"

"'Dere's a forest...and some other harpy. And your boomin' voice."

"Ugh...I fear we may be stuck like this for a name is Edward. W-what's yours...?"

"My name? Is Jack Frost. But you can call me Cody."

"Jack Frost?! You bring Winter!!"

"Yeah yeah. I do. And now I'm stuck with you and I've lost my powers. Fan-freakin'-tastic."

"I don't know how to respond to that except with...they took me from my mate, my family and my flock...I hadn't done anything wrong, I don't deserve this..."

Edward whined as the chamber was opened and a collar and leash put around him.

"Are you happy now, Frost? You're no threat to us anymore without your powers, or your staff." Thor grinned, holding the staff. Cody watched on with horror through Edward's eyes.

"P-please...that staff is all I have...give it back..." Cody was pacing around in Edward's mind, knowing only the harpy could hear him.

"Want it? Then you can have it." Thor snapped the staff in half, sending off a powerful wave of white magic and frost before handing the broken pieces to Edward. "Now, to Midgard with you!"

"What?!" Edward cried. "Midgard?!" He yelped as a portal was opened, and he was violently thrown through it.

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