Start from the beginning

He was so fucking smart.

Diana bit her bottom lip, fighting the urge not to raise her head and kiss him. “How? Wasn't I sleeping on top of you the whole time?” she questioned.

He let out a small chuckle before sitting right up and grabbing her hands to perch herself properly on the couch. “I shifted your head from my chest to my lap so I can write on the desk while you're sleeping”

Diana smiled warmly, when a sudden thought flashed her mind. “Wait, have you got any sleep?” she asked, worriedly.

He looks so tired, prominent bags under his eyes and his skin was paler than ever. Diana wondered if he actually got some rest. Hence, she wonder if he even sleeps.

“It's fine―” as soon as he said those words Diana shook her head and grabbed his arm and the parchments in the table before dragging Draco up to her dormitory.

“You will be sleeping” She stated the moment they got upstairs the stone steps.

“We have classes, Diana. Don't you want me to attend them?” he asked but she had already reached for the door and pulled it open then led him inside.

She ushered him to her bed and Draco couldn't help but feel awkward. Her roommates Luna and Clarette were still sleeping, he wondered if she was okay with them seeing him inside their dorm.

She placed the parchments to the bedside table and climbed on the bed.

She already layed down but Draco remained standing next to the bed. “We can skip classes for the day ― you need some rest” hesitantly she said then patted the sheets, but in all honesty - she just wants to lay next to him again and watch him sleep.

She wanted to forget all their problems and just have him for a day because they both look like they need each other's warmth. “What about your roommates?” He asked, voice cracking just above a whisper, enough for her to hear it.

“No need to worry about them, Draco” she mumbled, eyes locked to his. “Theodore had slept in this dormitory a couple of times before, on Clarette's bed.” she confessed.

The thought of one of his mates coming to this dorm and sleeping for a night made him quite pissed, but he knew he doesn't need to worry because it was Diana's bestfriend Theodore came for.

He must've stay stilled because then Diana props herself up by her elbows and grabbed his arm, making him jump. He felt his arm burn by her touch and he instantly yanked it away, flinching from shock that she had grabbed him.

“Did ― Did I do something wrong?” she questioned timidly, voice as quiet as it can be however he heard it, clearly. Her face etched with puzzlement and as a response, Draco shook his head and rubbed his arm through the sleeves of the jumper he's wearing.

“No” he numbly said before crawling to the bed next to her and layed his back against the soft, devine white sheets. He rolled to the side and face her, and Diana - the same.

He was tired, he had been losing tons of sleep because of a particular mission but seeing her right next to him, laying beside him, he was contented, happy and even comforted.

Her eyes were locked to his and he couldn't help but admire her sharp beautiful features before sleeping.

Cupid bow lips, eyes that are blue, strikingly captivating. Rosy cheeks and beautiful skin ― she looked like every other girl, Draco thought, but at the same time so different.

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