Chapter 2. Nice to Meet You

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It seemed like an eternity since I had been supposedly picked up and taken to a random room. After being taken to the room I laid there for such a long time that I drifted into an unconsciousness much like sleep.

"Wow! Who's this, she looks so... different, and what's she wearing?", an excited woman shouted. Suddenly I felt a jolt go through my body which woke me from my semi sleep. It seemed like someone was shaking me or maybe, examining me?

"I'm not sure, maybe it's some kind of weird noble fashion?", a new voice questioned. "It looks like some kind of uniform, like nothing I've ever seen before.", the excited voice replied.

I desperately wanted to open my eyes at this point, I needed to see who these people were and where the hell I am. I struggled for around five minutes and finally was able to open my right eye. It took me a moment to adjust to the surroundings before I could clearly see what was happening. Although I was careful as to not open my eye enough for them to see I was awake.

As I surveyed the room I noticed about fourteen people, there was a short boy with a buzzcut, a bunch of blonde kids, two raven haired people who looked related, a few brunettes, a blonde man with thick eyebrows and a woman who seemed to be wearing goggles in the place of glasses.

"Levi can I experiment with her if she's still unconscious by tomorrow, it's already been a week since we found her!", the woman with goggles asked the short raven haired man. "Tch I don't see why you'd want to she looks just like anyone else.", the man replied. "Look closer, she's wearing strange clothes I've not even seen a noble wear and her hairstyle is also a bit odd, plus ever since sawney and bean died I've been lonely.", the woman replied with a sigh.

"Were these people insane, did they bring me here just to do experiments on me, and who are those guys there talking about, did they kill their previous test subjects?", I thought to myself as my mind raced frantically searching for an escape route.

Suddenly a man burst through the door and requested someone named Erwin, who I assumed to be the blonde man with thick eyebrows since he rushed out, the short man and the woman with goggles following soon after. Now the only people in the room were the kids who looked about my age, they didn't seem super strong they just looked like regular teens, although they were all wearing weird outfits, maybe they were cosplayers?

I decided to try to move my legs, just a little of course, to see if I was able to get up and run when I had the chance. I tried to move the toes in my left foot, and I was successful, next I tried to slightly ben my knee, also successful. It seemed that my body was fully recharged, so I decided to make a run for it whenever I could.

There was only one door in the room and a tall guy with two toned hair was leaning against it while he fought with a brunette boy. I knew I wouldn't be able to run out while he was there so I came up with a plan. I would instead jump out of the window. It was open and the only thing that surrounded it was some flimsy white curtains, plus even if I fell and died I rather be dead now then killed by some crazy woman experimenting with my body.

Although I had finally figured out a plan I was still hesitant, what if I fell but instead of dying or escaping, I broke my legs and went unconscious again? I really didn't want that to happen so I convinced my self I would only go through with the plan if that crazy lady came back, for the meantime I decided to just lay in the bed and pretend to be unconscious.

After what seemed like 30 minutes had passed the tall brunetteboy and a blonde haired girl left the room and couple others. Five people remained, a brunette boy, a girl with raven hair, a blonde boy, the two toned boy and the boy with the buzzcut. They weren't saying much, the blonde boy was talking to the raven haired girl quietly and the two toned boy and the boy with the buzzcut seemed to be joking around while the brunette just stared at me.

This went on until I heard a knock at the door, the two toned boy moved from his spot and opened it, it was the three adults from earlier, including the woman with the goggles. I knew it was time to go, I didn't even give them a chance to speak as I ripped the covers of a of and sprinted to the window, before I jumped I looked back for a moment as to almost say goodbye, they all looked shocked even the raven haired man who normally looked uninterested. But after that one moment of shock a couple of them started racing towards me and shouting. But before they could reach me I jumped.

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