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As promised,the two boys went on a couple more dates almost every other day.They went on parks,restaurants,arcades,or even hung out on one of their apartments(they didn't do anything,you know,dirty)

If that wasn't enough,they were always,like ALWAYS together especially on lunch breaks.They would sit together,they would talk to each other,they would do some cringey,sweet corny things that couples would do.

As usual,Beomgyu and Taehyun were sitting together,with Beomgyu talking and Taehyun listening,when Taehyun felt a gaze.He felt like someone was staring at him,or at Beomgyu,or at them both.He looked around the cafeteria to find the person staring at them and,


Three tables away,he saw a brown haired guy with a lip piercing,sitting with two other guys looking at their direction.He looked at the guy and followed the direction of his eyes and it landed at Beomgyu.

Taehyun suddenly felt something unpleasant in his guts.

He wanted to talk to that random guy,so he stopped Beomgyu from talking.

"Hyungie,I want to buy a drink,do you want some?" he placed his hands on top of Beomgyu's hand and interlocked it.

"Oh,I can go buy your drink Taehyun."

"It's okay,I still can't decide on what to buy so I need to see the options,do you want anything?"

"Nah,I'm good." the older answered.

"Okay,I'll be back." he smiled before standing up and started walking.

Towards the random guy,of course.

"Hey,can I talk to you for a second,in private?" Taehyun called out the guy who was intensely staring at his Beomgyu.

"Taehyun?" the guy was confused, "You want to talk to me?" he pointed at himself.

"Yes,can I?"

"Okay,I guess?" the guy hesitantly answered.

"Follow me." was all that the blonde said before walking away.

Soon,they reach a secluded area outside the cafeteria when Taehyun stopped walking.

"So...what do you want to talk about?" the guy started.

"I'm gonna cut through the bullshit,why were you staring at Beomgyu?" Taehyun sternly asked.

"Woah Taehyun,chill.Beomgyu?Like the one you were sitting with at the table?"

"Yes,that Beomgyu,who else?" he snarked.

"Well yes,I was staring at him."

"Don't fucking stare at him."

"What if I am,huh?What if I want to stare at a cute boy?What are you gonna do about it,little kid?" the guy taunted.

Oh,you're fucked.

Taehyun gritted his teeth and suddenly punched the guy on the face,especially at the nose and mouth area.

"You fucking bastard,don't you ever stare or even look at my Beomgyu,got it?"

"What the fuck is your problem dude?" the guy said,wiping his bleeding nose, "I thought you're the fucking sweetheart or some shit on this campus,and why do you care if I want to stare at Beomgyu?I like him and I want to hit on him."

Double fucked.

Taehyun couldn't hold his patience and punched the guy two more times;one on the face and one on the guts.

He didn't know why he was so angry.

Jealousy?That might be it.

He clenched the other's collar on his shirt and gripped it,

"Well you have to stop liking him if you don't want me to beat you up again,bastard.Beomgyu is mine and he will always be mine.I won't let you or anyone steal him from me.So you can fuck with some other guys out there,but not with my Beomgyu,understand?"

The guy could only nod fast,as he was clearly shocked and scared of Taehyun's sudden behavior.The blonde was known to be the sweet,cute,and child-like person,so yes,he was super scared.

"If you ever look at my Beomgyu again,punches won't be the only one that you'll receive in your body,got it?Now go away." Taehyun said as he released his grip on the guy's shirt,causing the latter to tumble and fall on the ground.

"Hyungie,I'm back!" he sweetly said,settling the drink at the table he bought just after the confrontation a while ago, "I'm sorry I took too long,the line was so long." he pouted.

"It's okay Taehyun,I don't mind.Oh,there's a strand of hair that got messed up on you head,let me fix it." the raven haired boy said,reaching out.

"You're so sweet hyungie." he giggled.

"Stop it!You're making me blush Taehyun!" the older playfully said.

"You're so cute,hyungie."

"You're cuter,you know that?"

"I know but—"

"Nope!" Beomgyu sneakily retorted, "You're the cutest,period."

"Okay fine,you can continue your story a while ago,hyungie."

"Oh yeah!Remember when I told you....."

The older continued blabbering and Taehyun listening attentively that the latter didn't even notice that someone,not the guy from earlier,was staring from a far distance.

Staring at Beomgyu.



that's it for today,everyone

what do y'all think of this story so far?

comment or reply!

enjoy your day y'all!

take care<33

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