The Waynes

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Bruce Wayne has made many mistakes in his life. But he knew the one thing he did right is Richard Grayson. The eight- year- old is holding onto his hand as they walk into the Wayne Mansion. Alfred awaits them at the door.
“Young Master Wayne,” said Alfred looking at Richard who returned a smile and tried to hide behind Bruce’s leg for a moment. This is only the second time he is addressed a Wayne but the kid seems to have caught on.
Bruce led the child in. The Wayne Mansion haven’t had any inhabitants other than Bruce and Alfred for a long time now. He doesn’t hold any events here now, preferring the privacy this place offers. This is his home. And now, he has a son to look after.
The first night of Richard’s stay, the kid was sobbing when Bruce checked in on him.
“I got scared alone,” said Richard, looking at him with tear filled eyes. Bruce can already tell that he will find it hard to tell the child no. Bruce remembered how Alfred used to carry him when he would wake up in hysterics as a child. He did the same for Richard. He walked with the child in his arms.
As Richard grew, Bruce realised that he cannot afford to be careless about what he does, like skipping breakfast, spending all his time in the bat cave, coming home with numerous injuries to a house with a curious eight- year- old, the list goes on.
The first time Richard spotted injuries on Bruce, he had cried for two straight hours and stuck to Bruce like a Koala till the injuries started healing. He was not even tempted to make a mess inside the mansion, running around and swinging on the curtains, his favourite pastime. He would only pick at food if Bruce is not present at the break fast table. Bruce will admit that he loved having breakfast with Richard. The kid tries to emulate him in many ways and Bruce is not sure if he should be happy or worried, because he sure as hell isn’t a good role model. But he doesn’t want Richard to ever stop looking at him like he hung the moon and stars.

Richard ran into the house knowing his dad will be home. Sure enough the man was sitting in the living room, a few files before him.
“Ah you are home. Alfred was wondering what you would like for dinner?” asked Bruce amused as Richard crashed into him, hugging him tightly. Bruce ruffled his hair and listened as Richard listed everything that happened at school.
“Dad, Barbara is an older sister now. She got a baby sister Steph. Can I have a sibling too? Maybe a brother?” asked Richard, as if he was asking for a candy.
“Master Wayne, you are home. Your parrots have been asking after you,” said Alfred.
Richard was on his feet soon.
“Let me go check on Dio and Lio. They must have missed me,” said Richard and left, only after hugging him once. Bruce never really forgot about the fact that Richard asked for a sibling. It was in the back of his mind. After all, it has only been one year since he took in Richard and the kid needs all his attention now. He never really thought about raising more than one child.
Richard, the curious child that he is did end up in the bat cave, when Bruce was still in the Batman costumes. Richard is a big fan of Batman and has a couple of Batman t-shirts and even a room décor with the theme.
“You are Batman, dad,” said Richard, still in awe as he looked at Bruce.
He knew honesty is the only way to handle this.
“Richard, I am the Batman. But listen, you cannot tell anyone. It is dangerous if people find out who Batman is,” said Bruce.
“Bad men will hurt you,” said Richard in understanding.
“And Alfred and you because you are both important to me,” said Bruce.
Richard is a mature child. He understood without much prompting from Bruce’s part. Except, his son stays awake till he gets back from night rounds and Bruce started coming back home early. Bruce wonders if he is a good parent when he sees ten year old Richard wait up for him till 1 am. But then the kid would beam at him and would crawl into his bed with him and wants to be cuddled on most days. And Bruce doesn’t care if he matches the definition of ‘parent’ as others see it. The approval in Richard’s eyes should be enough, right?

It was a few months later that Bruce came across a bloodied and bruised child while out at night. He was on the streets sobbing as a woman kicked him everywhere. He flew down on them and the woman panicked and backed off. The child who was growling at her despite the hits he took looked suspiciously at Bruce in his Batman attire. But then he lifted the child and flew down to the medical bay at their house. Richard and Alfred were waiting. They saw the bloody child in his arms. Richard freaked out a bit.
“Why is he covered in blood dad?” asked Richard, now in Bruce’s arms as Alfred tended to the child.
“He was hurt by some bad people,” said Bruce, holding Richard close.
“How could they?” asked Richard innocently and Bruce did not have an answer. He do not know how anyone can do that to a child. He alerted Commissioner Gordon who is now working on finding more about the child.
The kid, barely five was fast asleep when Bruce’s phone pinged.
Jason Todd, an orphan, living with his aunt who is a habitual drug abuser. Parents were working in the circus. Raised in a circus till age four. Bruce looked at Richard who was tucked into his side, not wanting to sleep alone. In the month that followed, Richard and Jason became thick as thieves while it took Jason some time to warm up to him. Bruce filed for adoption after he came home to see both of them, awake and waiting for him. They both hugged him, even though Jason did so tentatively. Alfred had just nodded in approval. Four months after Bruce brought him home Jason Todd became Jason Todd Wayne. He wanted a reminder of his birth parents with him.
Bruce watched as the kids ran around the living room. Alfred is not going to be pleased with the mess that is their living room at the moment.
“Dad,” squealed Jason as he ran to him to seek asylum from the mini police chief chasing him. To hear Jason call him dad, hug him with so much trust and belief, it means the world to Bruce. This is the first time the kid is calling him Dad. Jason doesn’t like anyone who is not Bruce, Richard and Alfred. Hell, he doesn’t like Richard’s friends at all.
He never thought his heart could expand with love more after he got Richard. But now, with two kids who thinks that he can do no wrong, Bruce doesn’t want them to grow up, ever. His work with the Justice League is going well. He is thinking of bringing Barry to meet the kids one day. Of all the people now part of the league, it is Barry that he can see getting along with his kids and adoring them. Bruce has learned to trust the other Justice League members in the absence of Superman. He never needed to rely on anyone when there was a Superman. With the Kryptonian now gone, he didn’t have any other option but to start relying on them. And Barry is a good kid and for all his faults is extremely loyal.
Confiding in Barry about his identity went smoothly. He just invited the kid to come see Batman’s world. He was only glad to join him. His primary intention with bringing Barry was that he needed his kids to know someone younger, someone they may find it easier to confide in. The obvious choice would have been Diana but Jason doesn’t trust females and he doesn’t think that wonder women even with all her good intentions will be able to win their trust.
“Oh no- no- no. You are Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne is Batman,” said Barry, excited as he looked at Bruce, still in his suit as they landed at the Wayne Manor. Bruce removed the cowl and snorted.
“That’s enough excitement. I brought you here so that you can meet two very special people,” said Bruce.
“Your kids. Oh God! None of them in the league will believe it if they are told that you are a dad,” said Barry, looking in awe of the secret that just unveiled before him.
Before he could ask anything more, two blurs whizzed past him and hit Bruce.
“Dad,” said both the boys as they tried to climb on Bruce who just grabbed both of them in his arms as he walked in, nodding for Barry to follow. One of the kids was looking rather suspiciously at Barry who was a bit worried at his hostility but the older kid was smiling.
“Richard, Jason- meet Barry. He works with me,” said Bruce.
“In the league?” asked Richard eyes widening. At that even Jason looked a little in awe.
“Yes. I am the Flash,” said Barry.
“No way. You are not,” said Jason, challengingly.
Barry smirked and he was by Jason’s side in a blink.
“That’s brilliant,” said Richard. Even Jason had to agree. Both kids warmed up to him over the dinner and that was that.
In retrospect, Bruce should have thought a few hundred more times before introducing Barry to his sons. He walked in to absolute chaos in his home one fine evening, a few months later. He is not even surprised. It is a regular sight these days. Jason was hanging upside down from a high window, swinging like he has no care in the world while Richard- his sweet well-mannered Richard was sliding from the handle of the winding stairs from three floors above. Barry was hanging upside down from the lamp handle in the wall. Barry got them both down as soon as he spotted Bruce and all three had the decency to look sheepish.
His children as usual rushed to him. He huffed as he hugged them and glared at Barry.
“We were just playing,” said Barry.
“Do you not have a house of your own?” asked Bruce.
“Bruce. Don’t be such a mean man. I like spending time with my honorary brothers. You can’t deny us our family rights,” said Barry, rather dramatically. Richard and Jason played along, rather large pouts on their face. Alfred looked at him as he served them all dinner. There was no rebuke there, only amusement.
Bruce was feeling rather sleepy as he looked at the files before him. He did not have the patience to go through them now. It can’t be helped though. They need to be done by tomorrow.
Bruce turned to see Jason walking over, looking upset.
“What happened?” asked Bruce picking him and making him sit on his lap.
“She came to take me away. Don’t give me back,” said Jason as he curled into Bruce’s chest.
“Jay bird, you are my son. I will never ever let anyone touch you or harm you. You will never have to see her again unless you choose to. Will you give away your dad if someone asked you?” asked Bruce.
Jason shook his head vehemently.
“No. You are my dad. Mine,” said Jason.
“Exactly. I am your dad and nothing in this world will change that,” said Bruce.
Jason nodded, looking better and happy. Bruce tucked him in next to Richard.
Tim Drake was a surprise for the family. Drakes have been Bruce’s business partners. They often talk about Richard and Jason. While initially Bruce was reluctant to talk about his kids, like many parents later he just couldn’t stop talking about his kids once he began. The three -year- old was orphaned five minutes after a Drake family flight took of from a private airport. The officials called Bruce Wayne two hours after that. The Waynes were watching a movie with Barry and Alfred too joining in on their Saturday ritual.
Bruce rushed to the hospital. He saw them both. Too young, gone too early. The family maid stood with three- year- old Tim Drake in her arms. The old woman Agatha, she introduced herself, was looking at Tim worriedly and then at Bruce.
Tim Drake gave him a toothy smile and Bruce returned the smile.
“You were Drake’s nanny. I remember seeing you,” said Bruce recalling the woman from when he used to hand out with Drakes occasionally.
“Yes sir,” she said. It was clear that she was worried about Tim and was upset about parting with him.
“Though I have Alfred to help me, I think three kids together will be too much on him. I will have to hire someone to help him. If you are interested, please come to the Manor tomorrow,” said Bruce. Agatha looked surprised, the wrinkles in her aged face showing as she nodded and pressed a kiss to Tim’s head. Bruce signed the necessary papers with the child services. Since he already had custody of two children and they are routinely doing the necessary checks in Wayne Manor, taking Tim home was easier.
Bruce wondered how his children would react. Richard will be happy. But Jason may not take well to another person in their life. As far as his Jaybird is concerned, his dad, his brother and his Alfred are all just that- his. Tim was asleep and he was thankful to the child service who provided him with the car seat.
Bruce walked into his home and both his boys rushed over, Alfred and Barry not far behind. They saw little Tim in his arms.
“Who is that?” asked Jason, his dislike evident.
“Jason, this is Tim Drake. He is going to stay with us now, both of your new sibling,” said Bruce.
“Really?” asked Richard excited as he rushed over. Jason just glared at the baby.
“Take him away. You are our dad. Don’t want him,” said Jason.
“I cannot do that Jason. Tim lost his parents. Tim being here will never change the fact that you are my son,” said Bruce. The almost seven- year- old just stormed away, face red.
Richard pressed a kiss to Tim’s face much to the three-year-old’s delight.
“I will be back dad. Let me just talk to our in-house brat,” said Richard and rushed after Jason.
“Alfred, I have asked his nanny- old Agatha to come to the manor if she is willing to continue in her position- maybe as the Wayne family nanny. With three kids- Bruce’s eyes locked on Barry- “Four kids- we will need it,” said Bruce.
Barry scowled but then he charmed Tim who let Barry to carry him up along with Alfred.
Bruce went in search of Jason who was sobbing as he hugged Richard.
“Dad will send us away now. He has a new son,” said Jason as he tried to make his point with Richard who was looking perplexed.
“Then Dad should have sent me away when you came? We are his sons. That won’t change,” said Richard with more wisdom than a regular 11-year- old.
Bruce sat down next to the two of them and Jason jumped on him.
“Don’t return me,” said Jason.
“Jaybird. You are a clever child. Who gave you such ideas? I am thinking your stupid classmates. Jaybird, you are my son. Tim coming into our family won’t change that. Nothing ever will change that. You are my son. If I bring another kid into our family, it means our family is growing. That’s all that it means. Tim will grow up here as your younger brother. Didn’t you see how small he is? I am hoping that you and Richard will teach him everything. After all, it does fall under the duties of older brothers,” said Bruce.
Richard was beaming and Jason was silent.  Bruce knew his jaybird will come around even as he snuggled close to Bruce.
Agatha joined as Wayne family maid the next day. Bruce took Tim to attend the funeral along with Martha who was sobbing like a mother would throughout the event. Then, they returned home. Jason would glare at Tim at first. Tim is old enough to remember his parents to an extent. He would cry sometimes. Agatha knew to calm him down. She quickly became close with the kids and both Richard and Jason loved her.
Bruce was silent as he watched Jason watch Tim suspiciously as the kid looked at him. Tim, the sweetheart extended his hand as if calling for Jason. His Jaybird hesitated only for a moment before giving his hand and the troops inside Wayne Manor finally surrendered. It was the second week of Tim’s stay. Tim liked staying with Bruce. He liked it when Bruce carried him and throws the nastiest of tantrums when Richard and Jason leave for school. Bruce had to stay back to keep him calm for a couple of days.
Bruce got back from his raid. It would have been difficult to keep the secret from Agatha. She knew. In fact, she turned out to be a female version of Alfred, just a bit motherly. She smiled at Bruce as he walked in.
“All three are awake and waiting Master Bruce. I will inform Alfred that you are back on my way. Your fridge has some food if you need it,” said Martha.
“Thank you, Martha,” he said and walked towards his suite. He has long since given up trying to get Martha to address him Bruce. He opened the door to his suite gently and found all three of his children sitting cuddled together in their makeshift bed on the floor in the mini living room. All three smiled as they saw him. Bruce just picked up his younger two and Richard followed. All four of them were soon on the bed, Richard generously giving away his favourite left side since Tim is ‘small’ and needs to be close to dad. Jason was snugly wrapped around his other side and Richard next to him.
Bruce looked at Tim.
“Your bed time is way before 11,” said Bruce.
Tim pouted.
“You home,” said Tim as if that explained everything and soon enough, he was asleep.
When Tim called Bruce dad for the first time, it was a usual evening when he returned from office, a few months after bringing him home. Tim was running to him clutching his good performance card from kinder garden. He was so proud of it and Bruce was even more proud of his child. Agatha was a blessing for the family as the kids listened to her to an extent and actually liked her.

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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