Chapter 1

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One late night, thriller michael jackson was working overtime for money for his baby mama.
"close up pls" the manager ordered while smacking michael on the butt and walking out the door. Both were unaware of the purple eyes glowering at the manager from the shadows.
"yes sir mr trump sir" michael's trembly voice answered before he continued to wipe the tables.
*two hours later*
Michael was plunging pizza out of the toilet when he thought he heard a noise outside the door. "hello?" he said pushing it open and peering in the hallway. nothing. he grunted and grabbed his plunger, stalking down the hallway ready for a fight. before he made it the the end of the hallway, something pinned him against the wall and slapped him with a sandal. "Hello my little thriller boy" a deep womanly voice spoke.
"UwU" michael responded.

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