Chapter 7

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WRITERS BLOCK IS A BITCH! I am sorry to all who have been dying to read this story...... Why? Tis so bad.....

I don't know how to dedicate chapters but I'm dedicating this chapter to CameraNerd I just got back on wattpad the this made my day so thank you xx




The funny thing about being crushed by your own power is that you suddenly realise how stupid you were to get it. When I looked up and saw the boulder falling atop of me I felt a bit stupid. Firstly I forgot the most crucial thing about my new power, the fact that I control it with my hands and secondly, that boulders are not toys that and shouldn't be played with.

Now as I felt the end drawing near, the sun reappeared and tiny pebbles fell around me, the odd one or two fell on me, but mostly around me. I looked up to see Sanjis leg stretched above me in a protective manor.

"Errr... well... damn how the hell did a boulder get here?" I asked nervously while scratching the back of my neck sheepishly.

"How come boulders fall from the sky but meat doesn't?" Luffy whined displeased by the lack of food on the ship. "SANJIIIIII FOOOOOOOOOD!" He moaned. I waited with anticipation for the penny to drop that the cause of flying rocks was me. But it didn't.

I thanked The Lord for his stupidity I stood up, closing the newspaper, and walked back to the cabins.


Later on Zoro knocked on the door and poked his head in.
"We're having food in 20, it's meat, requested by the captain"
"Ahh cool" suddenly I got an idea. "Zoro" he looked up at me from the door.
"Do you want to train with me tomorrow?" He frowned and strolled into the room.
"Why?" He asked clearly confused as to why I asked him.
"I had another devil fruit today... And I just wanted to train with it" I shrugged trying to stop him from asking any further questions and just agree to the offer.
"What is it Nao?" He continued to ask.
"I... control rocks..." He raised an eyebrow at my stutter and started to walk towards the door again.
"Yeah, I can train with you, just steal me food from Sanji" I laughed and he walked out the door closing it behind him.

---I'm too lazy to write the next part so let us skip to the training---

I handed Zoro the stolen dessert and started to warm up. I upturned one arm to smoke and stretched the other out while Zoro ate the dessert and sharpened his kantas.

I balled up my fist tightly and raised my hand towards the sky. Slowly a huge boulder appeared from the ground leaving a large crater at this point I felt a sharp pick in my lower back.

"Ready?" Zoro asked. I nodded and stepped back. "Begin" Zoro said and I flung the Boulder at him which he cut cleanly in half before lunging straight at me. I yelped in surprise and threw my hands up putting a solid barrier between me a Zoro. I quickly jumped up and threw my hands back. Rocks and pebbles rained down on us.

Suddenly I was looking at the sky with a cold blade pressed against my throat.
"I win" Zoro smirked.
"Tch. well done"



Have I got your attention? Yes? Good.

This is merely a filler chapter... Sorry. I thought it's better for you to have a small chapter than nothing at all.

I have the motivation to write but I have a block so Drabble is the way I go.






Animelover2800 🌾🌾🌾🌾

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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