Chapter 22: Secrets

Start from the beginning

She walks back in a few minutes later with Sam by her side.

"We're going out to night. Do you want to come with us?" She asks and I look down and looking back up at her, smiling a little.

"No, I don't want to be a third wheel. Y'all go and have fun." I say quietly and stand up. I walk past her towards the door and apparently she could hear the sadness in my voice so she follows me to the livingroom. When she see's me heading to the door, she pulls me back by my arm.

"Where are you going?" She asks, confusion on her face. I look down at her and smile a sad smile.

"I said what I needed to say, Jo. All I needed to tell was that I loved you while I still had the chance." I say and almost cry again. She looks at me with sad eyes.

"You'll be back right?" She asks with hope in her voice.

No baby, I won't come back.

"Of course I'll come back." I say to her. I'm leaving now that she knows that I love her. She's with Sam, not me, and I don't want to be a homewrecker. She seems happy, and I don't want to take that away from her.

I smile another sad smile and I turn around, walking out of the door and down the hallway. I walk out of her building and down towards my hotel. I don't even realise that I'm crying until I taste the salt on my tongue when I lick my lips. I see a bench on the sidewalk so I decide to sit down for a little. I let all of the pain out, I wonder how many times I've cried these past few months.

I stay on the bench until the sun starts to go down. I walk back to my hotel and i get on my laptop, ordering another plane ticket back to London. My flight is at 10:00 tomorrow morning. So I lay down and sclose my eyes but all I can see is her sad eyes. I fall asleep looking into her beautiful blue-grey eyes.


I'm walking through the airport about to board my plane until I see someone familiar. Sam is standing by a boarding pathway looking at someone walking towards him. I stop, thinking that it's Jo who he's looking at but then I see a tall brunette in 5 inch heels walk over to him and kiss him.

That is definetly not Jo. Jo is 5,6 and blonde but this girl is about 6,0. He is cheating on her, that bastard. I'm getting so mad just by watching them make out with each other and I start to walk towards then but a lot of people stop me from moving. They walk to the exit and I start to lose sight of them.

I search around the airport to try to find them but I had no luck. Maybe he went back to Jo's house. Oh man how am I supposed to tell Jo that her byfrined is cheating on her. This is going to e hard to tell her, will she even believe me when I tell her? Probably not.

I call my cab back and I give him the address to Jo's flat. We pull up and I grab my suitcase from beside me and rush into her building. I get to her door and I bang on it really hard, and after a few seconds of banging on her door, she finally opens up.

"What the hell Hero? You scared me, I could've hurt you." She yells at me when she see's me and I barge into her flat and look around. He isn't here, I swear if I see him I will rip off his-

"What are you looking for? Are you okay Hero?" She asks, interupting my violent thoughts. I probably look crazy, my breathing is rouph and my eyes are wide.

"Where is Sam at Jo? I swear, I'll kill him if I see him." I yell and she takes a few steps toward me with worried eyes.

"No you won't Hero. I don't know where he is now tell me what happened." She tells me, the words coming out fast.

"If I tell you, will you actually believe me?" I ask and she nods her head yes almost immediately. I walk up close to he and I stop right in front of her.

"I saw him at the airport... with a brunette." I say slowly and she looks confused.

"Okay..." She says like she doesn't really understand.

"News flash Jo, you aren't a 6 foot brunette. You're a 5 foot 6 blonde." I say, trying to control my temper. This douche has me fuming. He isn't going to get away with cheating on her like this.

"Okay Hero. That doesn't mean that he is cheating on me. It could be his friend, or his sister." She suggests still denying what is obviously right in front of her.

"Jo... he was full on making out with her in the airport. I was on my way to board my plane and I saw him standing there and the skank walked up to him and started kissing him." I tell her and she still looks like she doesn't believe what I am telling her.

"I don't think that he would do that to me-" She starts but I cut her off.

"Why would I lie to you Jo? I'm trying to win you over, not push you away!" I yell and she takes a step forward.

"That's just it Hero! You're trying to win me over, which means that you would do anything to split us up!" She yells at me and she is breathing hard. I look at her with disbelief in my eyes. I huff and walk past her to the door, opening it with so much that the hinges creak.

"Where are you going, Hero?" She yells after me before I fully get out of the door.

"What's the point of staying here if you aren't going to believe what I'm trying so hard to tell you?" I yell at her and she just yells back at me.

"What are you trying to tell me Hero?" She yells back and I can feel my temper rising."

"THAT I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU AND THAT I WANT YOU TO BE WITH ME!!! I LOVE YOU AND I'M TRYING TO PROTECT YOU FROM WHAT HE IS DOING! THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE DO FOR THE PERSON THEY LOVE! THEY PROTECT THEM!" I yell and she backs away from me. I probably look crazy, I'm so mad and I can't control it anymore.

"Did you hear me that time Jo?" I yell again and she looks down, defeated.

"Thought so." I scoff and I walk out of her flat, slamming her door.

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