Chapter 14: Ghosting

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Hero's POV

I'm standing outside, watching her walk away. But before she's not visible, she shouts over her shoulder,

"I hope you have a wonderful night with the tramp you were flirting with." She walks away from me and I call her name multiple times but she still doesn't turn around. I fall down to my knees and I sit there for a minute and I feel tears start to stream down my face. It hurts all over now, everywhere.

I'm just sitting there on my knees looking up at the sky, tears still running down my cheeks. I wipe my tears away and I stand up, walking back into the house, pushing everyone out of my way. I make my way to the kitchen and I pull a beer from the fridge and I chug it, all of it. Then I grab a bottle of whiskey that was in someone's hand and I take a big drink out of it.

I'm sitting on the couch still drinking, and Elle has been trying to get her way with me all night. I take another swig out of the bottle, and Elle has now latched herself onto me, kissing me. I'm trying to push her off but I'm so drunk and I don't have the strength, physically or emotionally. So I just give in and kiss her back.

I wake up the next morning in someone's bed. I look over at who is next to me. Damn-it, it's Elle. I don't even remember what happened last night. I remember the fight with Jo, and crying, and then drinking myself to the point of exhaustion.

I start to regret what happened last night, everything about last night. I still find the strength to pull myself out of the bed, and put my clothes on. I walk downstairs and ask Felix for some pain meds and he gives me two, so I take them and start to walk to my hotel.

I'm about half way to the hotel and I see someone sitting on a bench by the beach. It looks a lot like Jo, it could just be the hangover playing tricks on me. But when I get closer, I see it is actually Jo.

"Jo?" I ask and she doesn't say anything, she just keeps looking forward at the water. "Jo?" I say again, a little louder this time and she looks up at me. She looks so tired and sad.

"What do you want Hero?" She asks looking back out at the water. I ignore her question completely and ask,

"Have you been out here all night?" Walking in front of her to get a better look at her face. But she just stares right through me, after a few seconds, she finally looks up at me.

"Yes, I've been out here all night. Now can you leave me alone?" She asks and stares through me again.

"Why were you out all night Jo? You look exhausted." I say and grab her chin to look up at me but she flinches away from my touch and stands up, backing away from me.

"Don't you dare touch me!" She exclaims and I take a step back. I've never seen her like this before. She looks mad, and I can feel the heat radiationg from her body. I made her like this, this is my fault.

"Jo, I'm so sorry. I was drunk last night and didn't mean anything that I said or did." I say trying to explain to her but she isn't having it. I think what I said made her more angry because her face is getting more red by the second. I'm starting to get kind of scared, I have neverm ever, seen her this mad before.

"You're sorry!" She spits out and I take another step back.

"You are sorry for what? For breaking my heart over and over again? Or are you sorry for playing with my feelings? Maybe your sorry for sleeping with some random chick." She yells at me, walking forward, causing me to walk backwards away from her. She doesn't stop yelling though.

"Or maybe for almost making me drown myself, that must be the time you were talking about!" She yells and I stop dead in my tracks, making her run into me. Tears start to swell up in my eyes and I can't seem to find any words. After a few seconds, I finally find my voice.

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