Chapter 15: Ghosting Part 2

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Josephine's POV

It's been a few weeks since Hero kissed me, it hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. I haven't cried, or broke down, I've just been on repeat. Wake up, eat, go out, come home, eat, shower, sleep, and repeat. It's nothing different, every single day is the same.

Except for a week ago. I ran into Sam again and we started talking, we haven't made anything offical yet. We've gone on a few date's but that's it. We haven't had our first kiss, we have held hands walking home one night but thats the only thing we've done. I have barely thought about Hero since I've started talking to Sam again.

Tonight is our 4th date and I can't wait. He's supposed to be taking me to see a movie and then out to dinner. After We Fell just came out in theatre's so he wanted to go see it, I told him I didn't want to but he was just going to see it anyway so I decided to just see it with him. He's going to pick me up at 5 so that we can go watch the movie and then make it to the dinner reservations at 8.

It's 4:30 now and I'm already ready and waiting on him. He knocks on my door at exactly 5 and I playfull roll my eyes at him. He is so organized and well mannered, he's the kind of man that I have been looking for my entire life. We keep conversations light while riding to the movies. When we get there, we wait in line and I get noticed by everyone that is there to see the movies. A lot of people come over to me and ask for autographs which I politely agree to. Once photographs get done, we all head into the movie theatre to watch the movie.

I'm watching the movie and I see how Hero and I acted on screen and I start ot wish that it could have happened in real life but I instantly scold myself because I am here with Sam. Half way through, I feel like I'm going to be sick, I knew that watching this movies would be a bad idea. So I excuse myself and run to the bathroom. I don't get sick which is a good thing.

I wait for Sam outside of the movie theatre and he asks why I didn't come back in. I told him that I couldn't watch it because Hero and I have chemistry. Luckily he understands and we head to the restaurant where we're having dinner at. It's such a good place, but it is expensive so I have to fight Sam over the check. He says that he has it because this is a date but I disagree with him. So he lets me half the check with him.

He drives me home, and he walks me up to the porch. We're sitting there talking and after we get done, he leans in and kisses my lips so softly. Almost to soft but it's still a good kiss. I pull back and smile at him, I tell him goodnight and thank him for dinner before going inside. Grinning like a giddy child that just got a new toy.

I walk to my bedroom and take off my clothes, and change into pj's. After about 3o minutes, I doze off to sleep. I am woken up by Katherine who is gripping and shaking my shoulders really tight.

"Wake up Jo!" She screams. "Wake up right now. Hurry up!" She yells and I climb out of bed and am pulled to the living room by my arm.

"What is going on?" I ask and she just stares at the television on the wall, but then I hear it.

"Actor Hero Finnes-Tiffin has been struck by a car in London this evening." The reporter lady says. I quickly turn my focus to the television. It shows Hero being carried into an ambulance on a stretcher.

"He has not been pronounced dead, and is being taken to the hospital now." And that's all it takes. I run to my bedroom and change out of my pj's, I push clothes into a bag, not caring if they get wrinkled or not. I didn't even realise that I was crying until I feel warm droplets hit my chest.

"Jo, what are you doing?" Kath asks bursting into my bedroom.

"I have to see him Kath. He could die and I have to see him one last time if he does. I can't leave him alone if he does." I say frantically and she comes over and hugs me.

"He's gonna be okay Jo. I'll drive you to the airport okay?" She says and I nod. It doesn't take long to the airport. I purchase my ticket and I'm on the next flight to London.


After a very, very long flight, I finally get to London. I couldn't sleep at all, it just felt like if I were to sleep, he would die. I have to see him, because if he dies I can never forgive myself for not sitting down and talking it out with him. I walked away, this time it was me, not him.

I call an uber, and I get to the hosptial as fast as I can. Once I get there, I run inside and ask the lady at the desk where he is. She say that he's in surgery,, and that he had internal bleeding and that he has a major concusion. And he is now most likely in a coma and they don't know when he will come out of it.

I'm standing in front of the desk and I start to cry, she comes around and escorts me to the waiting room and sits with me for a little bit, tyring to comfort me.

I'm crying so much, and I don't even notice the doctor walk out until the front desk lady nudges me. I look up and see him so I hop up quickly and run over to him.

"He is alive. He does have a couple of broken ribs, and a lot of internal bleeding. We got most of the blood out and closed the places were he was bleeding. He does have a major concusion and as far as we know, he's in a coma that he may or may not wake up from." He says and I start to panic again.

"You can see him, if you want." He says and I nod. He puts his hand on my back, and leads me to Hero's room. He opens the door and I gasp when I see him.

He is hooked up to wires and there is something beeping. I walk over to him, he has bandages wrapped around his torso, and has a neck brace on. I continue to cry and I grab his hand, holding it for the remainder of the night.

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