chapter forty two

Começar do início

"He already mentioned he is not interested." Ani shrugged, almost a bit sad.

"Uh uh. No way. Let me get a minute in that head of his and we will be double dating." Natalie said as the watches Clay approaching Zach from the corner of her eye. "Speak of the devil."

Natalie gasps as she sees Zach sucker punch his gift two times with almost no hesitation on either side of it. She makes up a quick excuse to get out of her conversation as she follows Clay out of the cafeteria.

"What the hell was that? Why are you limping?" Natalie helps him to walk.

"Natalie, someone's been calling me." Clay opens up. Natalie's eyebrows both raise.

"What do you mean someone's calling you? Who?" Natalie asks as they walk into an empty classroom.

"Asking me to pick fights, saying they know what happened with Monty." Clay days, sitting at one of the chairs.

"Clay, if there is one thing this past year has taught me, it is to live in the moment. Stop answering the calls, Clay. No one knows anything. Just ask Ani to the dance and be a teenager. That's my plan." Natalie shrugs as the bell rings.

"The fucking dance. I completely forgot." Clay says as they both walk towards the exit. "Also, don't lose hope on Justin. It's coming."

Sooner rather than later. When Natalie was walking out of the classroom, she notices Justin standing at her locker with balloons. She automatically throws her head down with a smile, a blush and a tad bit of embarrassment.

"Natalie Marie." He smiled as she walked up to him, falling into his arms. "Will you go to the Love is Love with me?"

"Well I think it would be pretty awkward if I said no." Natalie chuckles and takes the balloons. "So yeah, of course."

He returns the hug as he kisses her cheek slightly, on the other side of the hallway she notices Jessica looking at them. But for once, she didn't care about the stupid glances. She just wanted to savor the moment.


Natalie is walking out of school to her car as she gets a call from Tony. "Tony, I haven't heard from you in a while." She says in a confused tone.

"Could say the same for you, Natalie. I just was wondering if you would want to go to the mall with me." Tony offers earning even more confusion.

"The mall? With Tony Padilla? Okay Ashton Kutcher, I've been pranked. I get it." Natalie chuckles.

"I figured after your dance proposal was all over snapchat that you would want to find a dress and I want to keep an eye on Tyler." Tony states.

"What's wrong with Tyler?"Natalie asks quickly.

"Nothing yet." Tony shrugs over the phone. "So is it a plan?"

"Sure. Justin has a meeting tonight anyways." Natalie says, locking her car. "I'll be there soon."

When she met Tony at the mall, he was sitting across from the photography shop Tyler worked at. She looked at him with confusion. "Tony, you look super creepy right now." Natalie raised an eyebrow.

Justin Foley | Love It If We Made It Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora