I walked straight out of her house. Tony and Ziva were parking their car and getting Tali out. They tried to talk to me but I kept walking. I was really aggravated. I had a feeling Ellie was just using me as a rebound and now I had basically proof. I really cared about her and just like that she gave up on me.

I got home and it seemed empty. I need realized just how empty and lonely it felt till I felt alone and lost. It was surprisingly only around 4, it felt later with the events that happened. I walked to my room and layed on the bed staring at the ceiling. That's when the question came up in my head. Why did I care so much about Ellie? We haven't been together very long and only knew each other for a little bit longer than that. Did I feel for her? No I wouldn't be here in almost tears if I just felt bad. Was it Olivia? No. They it hit me like a bag of bricks.

I was in love.

I got up and stormed out of my room and went to the couch to watch a movie or something. I clicked through channels. Romance movie, romance, rom-com, romance, thriller/romance, over and over. I eventually just flicked the TV off. I needed to get the thought that I loved her out of my head. Regardless of if I believed it or not, I just knew she didn't feel the same so what was the point.

I decided to go to the diner to clear my head, and eat an earlier dinner. I got there and noticed a nice looking waitress kept point at me with another waitress. She eventually walked over. "Hello sir. May I take your order?" She said smiling and blushing slightly. She was pretty, not stunning like Bishop, but pretty.

"Uh actually I will just have a steak burger with some beer." She nodded and walked back to the kitchen.

As I waited for my food, I noticed her staring and we smiled at each other a couple times. I should talk to her a little bit, maybe it will get my mind off of Bishop. She eventually brought over my food. "So your my last table, can I maybe sit here."

"Uh sure." I said patting the table and gesturing for her to sit down. And she did smiling.

Then an hour later somehow we ended up in my bed making out. She began to kiss my neck and I moaned and said "oh Ellie." Then she let go of me and moved back.

"Uh Nick my name is Jane. Who the hell is Ellie?" She asked and I just sat there like a deer in headlights. "It's okay I should get home anyways." She said grabbing her purse and slamming the door as she left.

I mean what did I expect. Ellie was hard to get distracted from. I mean even looking at Jane who seemed to previously be a supermodel. I still couldn't help but think of how much hotter Ellie was. Luckily that ended before it turned into more than making out. I can't believe I actually am in love with her. Obviously she doesn't feel the same way. All of a sudden I heard a knock at the door.

Ziva's pov:
We walked into the house after seeing Nick storm out and I was worried. I walked into her room and she was on the bed balling her eyes out. "Aww Ellie." She looked at me then got up grabbed me by my shirt collar and threw me out of her room and slammed the door. "Well that went well" I mumbled walking into kitchen where Tony was stuffing his mouth full of chips. "Oh god Tony, what will I ever do with you?"

"Kiss me." He mumbled with his mouth still full of food ad he tried to swallow it down. I laughed and once he was done I went over and kissed him.

"So Bishop was in her room crying and just threw me out as soon as I tried to talk to her. Should I go talk to Nick?" I asked curiously.

"Definitely, but let's eat some dinner so that also gives him time to cool down because he didn't look very happy either." Tony said and I nodded in agreement.

We ate dinner at Ellie's we invited her out of her room to eat with us but she just kicked the door, or punched I couldn't tell, so we gave up and ate by ourselves, with Tali. We heard Olivia start you cry and Ellie came out got her then went back to her room. I was getting worried so I quickly finished eating so I could make it all the way to Nick's house before 9.

I arrived at his house and heard a door slam as a beautiful woman ran out. Ohh my god, is this why Ellie was so mad? Is Nick cheating?? "Hello ma'am?" I yelled after her.

"You better not be that Ellie chick because if so I swear I will kick your ass right here." She yelled at me pointing a finger in my face.

"What?! My name is Ziva and I a friend but I know who Ellie is. Why are you mad at her?"

"So basically I met Nick at the dinner. I work afternoon shifts. I saw him and thought he was really attractive. I sat with him after my shift thought he was really sweet. Decided to go home with him. Then we start making out and instead of saying my name he says Ellie. Like who the fuck is Ellie? And why is he making out with me while thinking about that girl?" She said a fee tears falling. I felt bad but I felt like she was being a little to flirtatious with Nick in that whole situation. But at the same time, I feel she did kinda like him so that must have hurt.

"Aw I am sorry that happened." I said with empathy.

"Eh I mean it is for the better, it would have been hard to tell Nick I was already married." I nodded without the sentence fully registering. Then it registeref I stood there shook as she walked away.

I walked up to Nick's door and knocked. It took him a few minutes but he answered the door. He looked empty or lonely. You could tell she had either been crying or had been drinking but something told me it was probably both. As soon as he realized I was at the door I quickly slapped him across the face. "How dare you cheat on Ellie?" I said. He looked at me purely confused and I began to feel embarrassed because my story seemed to be false.

"What the fuck? I didn't cheat on her. She just dumped me and I needed a distraction." He said shocked by me accusing him of cheating.

"Oh sorry, let's talk." I said and he didn't respond just opened the door wider to let me in.

HEYYY I AM ALIVE!! Anyways sorry for not updating as usual busy with school, basketball, and editing. But honestly I have also been reading some of the stories on wattpad so I didn't have much time to write my own. I have been reading a story or 2 a day. It's fun! I will try to update more but no promises.

Gotta Move On (ellick - discontinued)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя