kakashi x naruto

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minato: no kakashi naruto explain

sakumo: no kakashi explain

kakashi: this never happened minato-sensei dad this is fake *back hits a wall*

naruto: kakashi-sensei is right she is just my sensei this never ever happened or will happened

tobirama: why is this a ship

hashirama: idk I like it

sakumo: why do you ship my daughter with naruto

hashirama: idk

madara: this is cute I ship

izuna: this is not cute

kakashi: *grab sakumo before he hits naruto*

naruto: *holding minato before he hits kakashi*

guy: what is going on here

might dui: sees sakumo getting held

sakumo and minato: let me at him/her

neji: kakashi-sensei whats going on

kakashi: my dad and minato-sensei are trying to get me or naruto because we are getting shipped together

tenten: kakashi-sensei watch out 

minato: try to hit kakashi 

kakashi: watch out naruto * lets go of sakumo* blocks minato's fist

pain: why is the yellow flash and the white fang trying to hit leaf shinobi

kakashi: pain get lost no one wants you *grabs minato fist*

pain: why did I kill you

kakashi: *laugh* I killed my self pain

pain: no I killed you by a nail so much for the copy ninja of the leaf

sakumo: copy ninja daughter explain 

kakashi: dad I have the sharingan and copied over a thousand jutsu that is why I am called the copy ninja

hidan: yeah pain right kakashi is weak

kakashi: pains wrong I killed myself over using chakra by using kumai to many times and lightning blade 

pain: really how do you have a sharingan any way

kakashi: *looks away* my friend obito or in your group tobi

deidara: no tobi is not this obito person

kakashi: obito uchiha is tobi in the akastuski deidara deidara I have a question for you 

deidara: what is kakashi the weakling

kakashi: first I am not weak answer this if I am weak why did I kumai you whole arm away 

deidara: um

pain: so that why kakuzu had to make a new arm for you deidara but what happened to your other arm

gaara: I crushed one of his arm with my sand

deidara: at less I didn't die

gaara: I just protected the sand village and deidara I can get kankuro he is mad at you right now

deidara: get him I will have sasori

kakashi" you can't I put sasori in the kumai and only obito can get him

tobi/obito: tobi can get him I am really obito but kakashi is my friend and I won't

deidara: * jumps at kakashi and begged him to bring sasori back*

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