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Olivia's POV:
We all talk until the plane lands where we get off and meet Tim. It seems like Tim was surprised to see Matt there too. Since we were all headed to the same place, we all shared a bigger taxi. We drive to an apartment complex that apparently is a walking distance from East High. All of our apartments are in this complex, according to Tim, and the rest of cast will be here by tomorrow. I'm really excited to see Sofia and meet everyone else in the cast. So far, Matt and Josh are so much fun. They are both hilarious and good looking... if I might add. I go into my apartment which is a few doors down from Josh's. I think Matt had to go up a level to get to his. I just bring all my stuff into my room before going back outside to meet the boys again. We all thought we'd head to East High and look around before it gets dark out.

"We ready to go?" Josh asks.

"Yes, lets!" I respond.

On our 15 minute walk to the school, Tim stayed a bit behind on on the phone for the majority of the walk. Josh, Matt, and I all talked about previous projects of ours, where we are from, and things we like to do.

"...but I also loved basketball as a kid. So I guess that would make me the ultimate Troy Bolton," Matt laughs.

"Well sorry dude, Ricky gets that roll! And I, well Ricky too, suck at basketball," Josh laughs.

"Oh god," I laugh at these two boys bickering over their characters. "Oh my god look!" I point at East High right ahead of us.

"Woah, childhood wake up call be like...,"Josh laughs.

"This building is so iconic," Matt says.

"And we get to work in it for months!" I'm so excited. I haven't really had time to be excited because... you know... Ethan. And it's just hitting me I get to be a student here for awhile. Literally every child's dream."

"Hey guys! Let me take a picture of you 3 in front of the building here," Tim shouts from behind us. I totally forgot he came.

I stand between Matt and Josh and smile as Tim takes the picture.

"Perfect! Thanks guys!"

The school was closed so we couldn't go inside. Besides, it was starting to get dark out so we decided to walk back to our apartments and get ready for bed.


"Olivia?!" I hear a girl shout as I walk outside my apartment door in the morning. I turn around and see Sofia running towards me.

"Sofia!" I run up to her and give her a huge hug. "I can't believe we're on this project together!"

"Girl, when I head I was going to work with Olivia Rodrigo the next few months, I legit screamed," Sofia laughs and pulls me in for another hug.

"I didn't even know till yesterday! So how are you?" I ask. We start to walk back to my apartment.

"I'm great! I'm really just excited to start working! I pretty much already know all my lines for the 1st 2 episodes," Sofia says as we walk inside and sit on my couch. Tim had the rooms furnished which is nice because I won't get my car and my own stuff till my mom drives it down.

"Oh gosh, you're already way ahead of me. I've read the scripts a few times, but I definitely don't have them memorized yet," I laugh.

"Oh! How are you and Ethan? Is he gonna come visit any time soon?" I feel my face turn bright red.

"He uh- we aren't together anymore" I say as I look down and shuffle my feet on the carpet.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault. He broke up with me about a week ago once he heard I got the job."

"He left you because you got the job? What a bitch."

"Your telling me... it still hurts but I'm trying not to let it bother me. Besides, Josh is kinda-" I stop myself.

"Josh? Like Joshua Bassett? The one playing Ricky? What about him?"

"He's just a-"

"Your cheeks are all red... oh my god! You like him!"

"No I don't! He's just been a good friend the past few days. We spent all day together in Las Vegas and he's just kinda been there to keep my mind off things."

"Las Vegas?! What were you two doing in Las Vegas together?" Sofia asks surprised.

"Oh um, our plane landed in Las Vegas due to some awful turbulence. Oh my gosh it was so scary. The plane was so shaky and all the lights went out and the oxygen masks fell. Lucky Josh was there to calm me down while I was literally having a mental breakdown. He held my hands and his sweet eyes just stared at me, making me relax and-" Sofia cut me off.

"Do you hear yourself? Like do you know what you are saying? Unless I'm not hearing this correctly, I bet he likes you back..."

"I DON'T LIKE HIM. I mean I like him, but not the way you mean it. Besides, he has a girlfriend."

"Ugh. Of course he does. I'm sorry Liv."



"I don't like him." I think.

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