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Josh's POV:
"alright Em, I gotta go." I said to her as she squeezed me tight.

"Okay fine," Emma said as she giggled a little and let go of me. "Goodbye Joshua."

"Goodbye Emma," I said as she walked away.

"Oh I see Olivia!" Tim said as a pretty girl with brown long hair walked over to us.

I have no idea when Tim got there, he just kind of appeared. Tim is the executive producer and writer of the show so we have met a few times before this. "Was he just standing there watching me kiss my girlfriend?" I thought to myself.

"Hey Tim! Are we ready to go?" the girl asked as she glanced at me and turned away.

"Yes! So you two are in seats 22 a and b and i'll be in 10 a" Tim said to us. "I thought I'd let you two get to know each other a little bit."

I was actually excited to sit with this girl and get to know her. I just don't know why she won't look me in the face. Maybe she saw me kissing Emma and it made her uncomfortable.

"Thank you Tim," I say as I take the 2 tickets from his hand.

"I'm going to head to the bathroom but you two can walk over to our gate which I believe is G17" Tim said to us as he walked away.

I turned to the girl and stuck out my hand, "Hey, I'm Joshua Bassett"

"Um hi, I'm Olivia... Olivia Rodrigo," she said in a sweet yet scared seeming voice as she shook my hand.

"It's so nice to finally meet you," I finally say after a few seconds.

"Yeah, same to you," she said back to me.

Olivia POV:
I don't know why I got so nervous around him. I just saw him kissing this girl but I can't help but feel a little attracted to him. He has brown curly hair and sweet brown eyes. He was cute and when I looked at him, the thought of Ethan went away but I was't ready to forget Ethan so I kept looking away from him.

"I'm sorry for acting all nervous, I'm just not totally ready to leave my parents I guess."

"I get it... me too. Do you live with them?" he asked me.

"Yes, I'm 17 well, 18 and I'm a senior. Sorry uh, my birthday was yesterday," I say and laugh a little for forgetting my own age.

"Oh my goodness, well, happy birthday!" he said back to me and smiled.

I finally looked at him straight in the eyes and my heart seemed to skip a beat. I literally only know his name and I'm already starting to feel things. He just seems so sweet and genuine.

Josh's POV:
Olivia is really pretty and seems super sweet. I was excited to get to know her and I could already tell we were gonna be good friends some how.

"Oh thank you," Olivia said as she laughed "Finally an adult. It's actually sort of weird to think about and I don't think it's fully hit me yet. How old are you... if you don't mind me asking."

"I'm 18 too," I replied, "well look at that, we already have one thing in common" I said as I smiled at her.

"Yeah," she said as she smiled and looked down at her feet.

Olivia's POV:
As we started to walk over to gate G17, I decided to ask about the girl he was just with.
"I'm sorry if this is crossing the line or anything... and I know it's none of my business so don't feel that you need to answer, but who was that girl you were just with?" I said instantly regretting asking.

"Oh, no, your totally fine. That was my girlfriend Emma" he replied genuinely.

"It was sweet of her to come say goodbye. You guys must be really close" I said kind of shrugging my shoulders and looking at my feet.

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