Shouta x Reader Comfort

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              You were coming from a hard day at work, and the only thing you just wanted to do was just cuddle with your husband. The names that they give you and what they call you were already hard to deal with along with the stress of everything.

             "I fucking can't wait to get some fucking cuddles." y/n was halfway to her house till she bumps into a black and white stray cat. "Hey, there little fella what you been up to?" She smiled at the cat and pick him up and start back walking home.

             When she reached the door to her apartment her husband had just come out of the room still with his hero outfit on. "Hey, Shouta how's work? Did the kids give you a hard time?" You then kissed him on the cheek and set your stuff down by the couch.

             The kitten then jumps out of your arm and started to walk to your husband and rubbing himself on his legs while purring.

             Shouta looks down at the kitty and gave a small smile before rubbing him. "They learning how to sneak up on their opponents." You gave a smile a nodded. "You brought a kitten?" he looks straight at you and you felt waves going down your spine as you were jumble with your words

             "W-Well umm I...I wanted to bring him and umm...He was very c-cute" You were playing with your fingers looking around to avoid his eyes. He was smiling at how flustered you were and it was cute to him.

             "Can we name him Cloudy? I'll buy some food since I'm going to the store." after that, he kissed you on your forehead and walk out the door.

             You were in a daze till you hear a meow below you. You then smiled and pick the little cuteness up and head to the shared bedroom and sat on the bed playing with him. As you were playing with the kitten you started to cry a little thinking back at work what they say


             You found little yellow sticky notes all over your work spot as you sit down. You pick one up and read it. "What the hell is this shit?" you ask to no one. You look at the other sticky notes and can tell right away they all came from the same person by the handwriting.

             You read the words Bitch, Hoe, Slut, He only wants you for your body and nothing else. He doesn't want you. There were even more colorful words that you couldn't believe came from one person. You folded the papers and put them in your back pocket and got to work while holding some small tears back.


             You were crying while you had the notes spread out on the soft sheet looking at them. You didn't notice that your husband had walked in on you. "Kitten you ok?" his voice sounds very concern and a little hurt.

            You turn your head away from him looking out at the night sky through the window. "He fine we were just playing." Cloudy just was looking at you then look at Shouta wondering what's going on. "I mean you Hunny."

            You couldn't look at him, not like this you then heard a sigh and footsteps. Then there was a pause, you can tell he was reading the little papers that on the bed. "Y/n..." You could feel the bed sing a little in front of you where the paper. "Y/n look at me."

            You turn your head to look at him slowly. His eyes had so many emotional things in his eyes pain, hurt, concern, and so much more "Kitty Cat who wrote these? Why you didn't say anything when I'm here for you."

            "Because I didn't want to bother you with my problems." You were on the verge to cry again and he saw that. "I didn't want you to hate me thinking I'm useless and didn't want to me anymore. I'm scared that you will find someone way better than me and leave to be with them. I hate myself for thinking those things because I know you won't do it, but deep down it's that small part of my heart think that and it hurts so much."

             You were leaning your head on his chest while the warm tears were coming out. Not mad at the person who wrote these little letters but mad at yourself for thinking that little doubt. Shouta was sad and happy at the same time. Sad at what you been thinking and happy that you told him how you feel.

            "Hey, Y/n.." He lifts your head by the chin with a soft smile on his face "I would never leave you for anyone. You are so much better than any person that I have ever met. You so much gorgeous and your smile shine brighter than the sun and moon itself"

            You started to smile a little more at what he said. He then turns his head looking out the window up at the moon like he was searching for something. A little sigh came from his lips and he looks back at you with his dark strong eyes. As he sat his warm hands onto your cheek you could feel the warmth going throw your whole body.

           "I don't want a day to pass that you feel like you don't deserve to me that you not good enough because you are. Your a good person and no one can tell me otherwise." He kisses you on your forehead as he let rest on yours. "We gonna beat this little doubt together this sadness together because I live you with all my heart."

             You giggling a little because of how Cloudy was pawing at your lap "Hey, Hunny I think Cloudy very hungry. He over here pawing at my thighs, you got his food?"

             With a long sigh, he got up pulling you along with him smiling. "Ya, it's upfront let's go. I also brought take out for use to." With that, you three left out of the room to go eat and watch a movie.

           "Shouta..." He looked at you while the movie goes on waiting for you to finish. "I love you." You looked at him with a small smile and he kissed you on your lips. "I love you too."


You got a text from your phone from Present Mic.


Did it work? It was a lot of work to sneak into your workplace and put those notes there without my fans noticing me


Ya, it works but you sure I want to get in trouble by doing this. It was your idea and if I die because of this I'm hunting you down.


Don't worry if he found out he would know right away that it was me Hehe

You gave a small smile and sat your phone down to go to the bathroom. Shouta on the other hand had seen your phone unlock and was reading the message with an evil little smirk thinking what he could do to get back at Mic. You came back from the bathroom and cuddle back up on Shouta ready to sleep.

I really hope you love this and if you do please share thank you and tell me if I need to correct anything I want to get better at this Thank You.

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