"This is...breathtaking," Sullivan said as he took in the drama of it. The sun was still cresting over the water turning everything pink, and it made the bare trees look warm in the cold air.

There was no one around, so Ophelia unhooked Polly's leash and let her go, smiling as the dog ran toward the water with a grin on her face.

"She loves water," Ophelia said as she turned her attention back to Sullivan. He was thinking hard about something. "Go, walk and enjoy it," she encouraged as she spread the blanket.

"Would you walk with me?" Sullivan asked, looking down at her.

His words warmed Ophelia's heart. The fact that he wanted to spend a few minutes in her company meant that they were still friends.

"Sure," she nodded, letting him set the pace as Polly ran ahead.

They walked in silence for a few minutes.

"Did your mother tell you that she and your father were going to spend the New Year in the Keys?" Ophelia asked.

Sullivan nodded. "Yes, she and Pops will be done filming by then. They want some time to themselves for their 40th anniversary. He said something about sailing around the world."

Ophelia smiled. "More like to the next Key."

"Probably. Pops always was full of it." There was no malice in Sullivan's words, only amusement.

"Do you remember Paloma Clark?" he asked Ophelia, changing the track of the conversation.

"Yes, you and she dated for a while a few years back. Reyna was convinced she could hear wedding bells." Ophelia's voice was steady, but her heart had stopped at the thought of one of the most beautiful women she had ever met. Not only was Paloma beautiful, but she was also kind.

"I want to replace Giselle with Paloma," he said quickly as if his courage was about to fail him.

"What do Sawyer and Reyna think?" Ophelia swallowed hard. If Paloma joined the cast, it could restart her and Sullivan's romance.

"I haven't told them yet. I wanted to hear what you thought first." Sullivan looked down at her.

"I guess my first question is, why do you want to replace Giselle?" Ophelia pushed some hair out of her face. Her ponytail wasn't holding up against the wind.

"Giselle cannot offer the performance I need. She can't stand Marc, and it shows. She's not even trying." He shook his head.

"Why not replace Marc?"

"She's cold with Sawyer as well. Not as cold, but I'm still not seeing any chemistry. Sawyer is carrying every scene with her. The fact is that I made a horrible casting choice." He rubbed his stubbled chin.

"Will it be hard to get her out of her contract?" Ophelia frowned at the thought. It meant that he would have to pay for her and another actress. It would cost him more.

"Your level head is just what I needed, Ophelia." He smiled as he linked his arm through hers. "She's finished filming all of her scenes, and I don't have to use any of them, but I do have to list her name in the credits."

Ophelia nodded, trying not to think of his arm connected with hers as they walked down the beach. "I mean no offense with this question, but is Paloma too old? Giselle is much younger than her. Can you make her age fit the part?"

"Yes, and I've already talked to her. She's willing to do it as a favor to me and bail me out for a nominal sum."

Ophelia sighed, and it was carried away by the wind.

Let It Be Me (Triplets book 1)Where stories live. Discover now