ii. kisses and good company

Start from the beginning

She was entranced by her, and she didn't want to just up and leave her, because there was no way that she could explain to her that if she wanted to contact her at all, it would have to be by bloody owl post.

Then there was the whole Ginny thing. Seamus had not spoken about Dean all summer, and Aoife did not know why, nor did she particularly care. She loved Dean, she really did, but the thought of him with Ginny did make her want to throw up in her mouth.

Aoife had sent one letter to Ginny the whole summer, to say happy birthday, and then she hadn't answered any more. She needed to get over whatever miniscule crush she had had on her, so they could go back to being friends. Anyways, she had moved on. Sort of.

There had been a few times where, at night, Aoife had caught herself dreaming of Ginny instead of Ciara. Her subconscious clearly wasn't as over the crush as the rest of her was, but she was determined not to let it get to her. It was a crush, a silly kiss, which almost ruined her whole friendship with the Weasley girl. So, no, Aoife wasn't going to fixate on it. '

"It's your O.W.L.s this year," Seamus said.

"Oh whoopee," Aoife mumbled.

"Fergie, stop plaguing your sister and get a shifty on," Mairead tutted. Seamus rolled his eyes.

"Yeah Fergie, on you go," Aoife said, poking him. Seamus flipped her off, and then promptly tripped over the table leg.

"A chonách san ort," Mairead said. "Fearghal, get a move on."

"Sorry Nan," Seamus muttered, giving Aoife a dirty look as she stifled her giggles.

"Nan, I know you call Seamus by his middle name, but I've never asked you why," Aoife said, moving so she was sitting closer to Mairead. "I don't think anyone has."

"No one could ever replace my Seamus," Mairead sighed. "God bless his soul, I could never call someone else Seamus. He was too special, too perfect, and I am preserving my memory of him, and Lord knows my memory isn't what it used to be."

"Oh," Aoife said, taking Mairead's hand as a few tears leaked down her cheeks.

"I miss him Aoife," she murmured. "I miss him everyday."

"You've got me Nan, eh?" Aoife said. "I know I'm not as perfect as Granda but I'll do."

"You're more than enough for me my love," Mairead said, pressing a kiss to Aoife's knuckles. "What am I going to do when you go off to school? Who's going to make my tea for me?"

"You'll have to whip Mam into shape," Aoife said, biting back a laugh.

"Oh no, I'd rather just do it myself," Mairead pulled a face. "Your Mam is a terrible teamaker, she always has been."

"I'm sure Da will make it for you," Aoife said. "Or just get Fergus up here every morning to do it."

"That Fergus, he'll apparate in front on me and spill it all down me! Pest that he is."

"Well you're not wrong there," Aoife laughed.

"On you go my love, you'd best be off to bed," Mairead said. "Seamus and your Da will be at it for a while yet."

"They'll be at it until Mam says their done," Aoife said. "And they'll break their backs whilst they're there, poor sods. She always makes them do the garden before we go back to school."

"Your poor Da's been at it all day," Mairead said. "Fergie dips in and out, lazy bugger."

"I'll just head to bed then," Aoife said, glancing at the clock. It was barely half seven, but it would give her a few hours to make sure she was ready for Ciara's stealth visit. It had been raining earlier, so they couldn't meet for a picnic or anything, and Ciara's family were home again, and they all slept a lot later than Aoife's family did. So, Ciara was coming to her.

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