|| Genesis ||

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"The mainframe is failing! The pirates are right on our tail, Sykkuno if you don't send us into hyperdrive we're going to be obliterated!" Rae screamed over the roar of the failing engines. The crew had come so far on their mission, to end it now would be the death of their business,

...as high profile, inter stellar pizza delivery drivers.

"Rae you know the integrity of our product would be in jeopardy if we jumped, the sausage can't withstand-"
"Shut up about the stupid sausage!" Toast yelled at his co-pilot; Sykkuno mumbled a curse and flipped a switch that started a 5 second countdown

The team quickly strapped themselves in and braced for impact
Sykkuno began feeling nauseous as the anxiety of being chased by the infamous Corpse, king of thieves became too much for his heart.
No one knows what he looks like, but everyone in the galaxy maybe the universe knows the fear of being tortured and their ship raided by Corpse's pirates.
His ship is called the Black Cobra, the fastest and stealthiest space craft known to man, aliens and those in between.


..The ship sputtered and died

[Hours earlier]

"Mrs. Martza I understand that the Duke and Duchess of Little Jupiter are very important for the development of interstellar storm detection but their order is just too difficult, I mean pineapple and broccoli? Who even-"

"Now you better listen here Miss Rae and listen well! If we make a good sale and a speedy delivery, they could possibly endorse our company and do you know what that means? New ships, better equipment, more advertising.." The shrill voice of the crew's boss replied over the holo-comm (holographic communications) terminal

"Well yes but we have to travel through Pirate territory to get there, I don't want to put the rest of my crew in danger because of one order-" A deeper, more calm voice of Mrs. Martza's husband interrupted her,

"Rae dear, please just do it for the company. We believe in you guys and if something happens you all have the correct military and fighting experience to overcome all your obstacles. You'll do it won't you?" Mr. Martza pleaded with them in an almost fatherly tone, who knew that delivering pizza was such a high stakes job?

"You know, when we finished our military training, I didn't think this is how we'd end up" Poki complained from her spinny chair at one of the control desks. Even though the small group are just delivery people, their jobs are taken very seriously. Toast, the captain and leader of the team gives orders when necessary to protect his team, Sykkuno is the copilot and takes over when toast is unable, he also acts as the chef and emotional support. Rae is the face, she speaks multiple alien languages and acts as their diplomat. Poki is the engineer and mechanic of the ship. Leslie is their medic who also controls the weapons when needed.

The holo-comm ended and Rae slumped back into her chair, turning to face Toast who was staring out their front windshield in deep thought. Nothing was said between the troubled crew for quite sometime until Leslie came out from one of the back rooms, floor lighting up a soft orange in front of her as she came in. Her orange spacesuit had a spray painted black cross on the front to show her area,

"Well if it means anything to you guys, I think we should do it. Think of it this way, even if something goes wrong none of us will be alone, I'll get to be with the coolest people in the galaxy I know" she smiled and ruffled Sykkuno's hair who's face got dusted pink.

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