The prize of Betrayal..!!

Start from the beginning

The guard : Sorry Mr.

No one was with her so we kept her body on the backyard.

Kabir looks towards the backward.
He  feels horrible to see the gathered polythene bags.

He cries out Riddhima😥

He runs towards the police station.
He feels weak now he can't able to run but he runs for the sake of his love.

Sir... Last night you didn't arrest that beast.
Now he killed my Riddhima..

He gives the postmortem report.

To read the report :

Inspector : Mr Raisinghania is the responsible for her death - Really 🙄
She died in accident or you threw her in front of the car as she was going to be your illegal child' s mother.
You enjoyed with her now you denied to accept the child..
Wow... Coward man.
Go out from here or I will arrest you.

To the constable : Bhuna...think how much this lady also horny.
To get a rich good looking hubby she still not satisfied.
She kept extra boyfriend for enjoy.
It's good that she died otherwise how she will face her face to society.

Kabir : ( Angrily) Control your language.

(kabir holds his collar)

Don't say any abuse words for Riddhima
Otherwise I will kill you.

Inspector : Bhuna his blood is boiling as he doesn't get chance to sex from last night.
Let's clam him.
Send him into our special room.

Bhuna takes kabir into the jail..
He locked the door.
Now call his  Dad and says - ___***___

So....the price is 2lakhs as he holds my collar.

Kabir's father came to free him.

Kabir's father : What is this Kabir ?
For that girl you today sat in jail.
Now will not think about her.
Mr.Raisinghania told me you and Siya' s relationship.
I agreed for the Marriage..
As soon as Siya get well soon I will give your Marriage..
Don't try to contact with that characterless girl.

Kabir : How I will keep contact with her papa.
She leaves the world.
Are you knew what is the contact number of heaven?

Kabir's father (shockingly) : what?
It's good.
He punished for his deed..

Kabir : Don't judge someone without know her.

You go home..
I have to go ___

Kabir's father ( interrupts)
Where you will go?

Kabir :  To meet with your beloved daughter- in -law Siya.


In Raisinghania Mansion:

Vansh falls asleep  to hold siya 's hand.

He wakes up to get a pat on his shoulder.
He  looks behind .
He sees Dadi.

Dadi : Don't worry.. time will heal every wounds.
By the way where is Riddhima?
Is she eloped?

Vansh stays silence.

Vansh ( tries to change the topic of the discussion , He tries to avoid Dadi's questions )Dadi.. I'm feeling hungry.
Let's go for lunch.

Dadi and Vansh is eating lunch.

Kabir enters into the Hall .
He starts to clap...
Wow !!
To murder a girl along with her child..
You are eating your breakfast peacefully.
Dadi you also enjoying your lunch.
Riddhima thought you all are a beautiful family to her.

Family my foot you all don't deserve Riddhima.

Dadi : who are you ?
I guessed you are Riddhima's boyfriend.
So  you eloped with last night.
Now you came here for money.

Kabir : I spit on your money..
Is your money can bring my Riddhima life ?
Your money can't able to buy my love.
I loved Riddhima instead of siya so your grandson  take revenge...
love can't be happen forcefully Mr.Raisinghania.
It's a feeling..
Which you will not understand because you are heartless.
You are a beast.
How much you tortured my love.
You are responsible for my love's death.
Take the prize of your Betrayal.

( He gives the postmortem report on his hand )

Celebrate now to get the best prize of your revenge game.

Are you a man?
Every night you played with her body but at end of the day you said your child illegal.

Dadi : talked.
Don't blame my Vansh.

Kabir : Open the veil from your eyes Dadi.
Vansh thought Riddhima is responsible for Siya's condition so he took revenge.
Answer me, I have  just a one question Dadi.
I love Riddhima instead of Siya -
it is Riddhima's fault?

Siya...siya.... today you have to give answer.
He runs towards the stairs.

Dadi : where are you going ?
Stop kabir....
Your Grandson fixed my Marriage with siya.
Mr.  Raisinghania you stand there.
Today no one will come between me & siya.

Kabir searches the room of siya.
At last he gets.
Angrily he goes towards the siya.
You slept enough..
Enough you take rest.
Everything devastated for you.
Now you have to wake up.
You was dying to love me.
Now stand up to hug me.
Come on siya..
Come on...

GREAT BETRAYAL BY MY BELOVED ❤️ (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now