Chapter 1: A Friend and Encouragement

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Shina's POV

My name is Shina Shimizu. I'm a 3rd year student in Aldera Junior High. Most of the students in my year are 13 or 14 years old, but here I am. A 12 year old girl in her last year of Middle School.

When I was little, I was pretty popular in my neighborhood because of my Quirk which my grandmother called Angelic. My Quirk gave me a halo and a pair of wings, but most importantly, I can also heal people's injuries by touching where the injury is located and I can make light arrows from the light in my halo. The bad thing is my hair grows longer when I heal people and it makes me sleepy. I need to recharge the brightness of my halo by exposing it to light.

People would come to our home so they could get healed by me but ever since my grandmother passed away...

"It's all your fault...! I wish you were the one that disappeared...!"

"I-I'm sorry...! I-it was an accident...!"

"You murderer."

I quickly shot up from my bed, I was breathing heavily and covered with sweat. I looked over to my alarm clock beside my bed and read the time...

5:28 am

"If this keeps up, I won't need an alarm clock anymore..." I sighed and slowly sat down.

I spread my wings, moving them a bit to make me float a few inches from floor. I float towards my desk and I picked up a picture of me and my grandmother.

"I'm going to have a good day today, Granny." I said, staring at the picture before setting it back down.

I make my way over to the bathroom to brush my teeth after that I took a nice warm bath. You don't need to know the details. After my bath, I dried myself, put my school uniform on and I went to the kitchen to cook my breakfast and my lunch. Once that was done, I put my lunch in my bag and ate my breakfast then I went to school on my wheelchair. Yes, that's right. I'm paralyzed from the waist down due to an accident when I was young.

While going to school, I saw my neighbor and childhood friend, Katsuki Bakugou, walk out of his home.

"I'M LEAVING, OLD HAG!!!" He yelled at his mother.

I covered my ears as his mother yelled something back at him and once it was clear, I removed my hands from my ears.

Third Person's POV

The angry Katsuki looked over at Shina as she moved her wheelchair towards him with a smile. His face seems to lighten up a bit.

"Hi Katsuki! Good morning!" Shina greeted him happily. "So, do you want to go to school together?"

"Tch!" He scoffed and walked away from her.

"That was rude." Shina sighed and smiled. "Well, I shouldn't be that surprised though."

As Shina went to school by herself, she was taking her time and enjoying herself until she ran into a bit of trouble. It was her worst enemy...

"Upward slopes..." the snow white haired girl stopped for a bit and she sighed again. "I hate this..."

Shina's POV

I was about to spread my wings to fly when I felt my wheelchair move forward as if someone was pushing it. I looked behind me to see who it was pushing my wheelchair and saw another girl from the same school as me. The girl had blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, a beauty mark near her right eye and on her left cheek. The girl also had a really big chest.

My Hero Academia: The Story of the Angel Hero [MHA Fanfic]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα