Don't fail Caleb

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"All right Caleb, I'm trusting you on this."

"Yes Master Skywalker, I will try my best."

"Remind me again of what shouldn't you do."

"I should not tell a single soul, I should not let anyone see me, and I should definitely not tell anyone that this was your fault since I'm the one who volunteered."

"Well remembered Padawan. Now hurry up before your Master realizes you're missing. Remember, don't get caught and contact me if anything goes wrong."

"But, won't you be commanding a battalion?"

"Yeah but...if you're in trouble then I'd save you, which would lead to the council not figuring out you snuck out, cause heh, you know, I can't afford to let you get in trouble."

"It's not like I'm just saving you to stop me from getting in trouble that'd, that'd be crazy." He continued, hoping he was dumb enough to not figure out his misconception.

"Uh huh."

"Go now Padawan, be back before 1800."

"Yes Master, you've told me 20 times." He grinned, glad that he wasn't one of those bossy teachers.

"All right under levels of Coruscant, here I come." With that, he leaped onto his awaiting speeder and sped off into the distant town, eager to prove himself to Master Skywalker.

(1 hour later)

"Excuse me sir, I was wondering if you had seen this lady around."

"First of all, what's a little boy like you doing in a place like this?"

"I am – here to find my mentor, which is her." He pointed towards the holodisk.

"Right. Well sorry son I haven't seen her around."

"It's all right sir. Thanks for your cooperation." Crap, did he just blow his cover? Caleb hadn't been to anywhere really so he wasn't so sure how to commune with others outside the temple, hence, being a little shy around strangers.

"This place is huge, how am I going to find her?"

Just then, a descending speeder could be seen gliding down on 1313. Caleb instinctively made his way to that section where he followed the strange yet familiar figure. Albeit not knowing if that figure was what he was looking for, he followed it in hopes to lead to his next clue.

Unfortunately for the young Jedi, the distant speeder was dropping so rapidly that there was not a way Caleb could have kept up with its speed. Ergo, he ended up in a town with terraced buildings far from each other, his prize demolished.

"Great, now where did that speeder go?" He thought.

He looked around but none could be seen. Devouring his frustration, he continued sacking the town until his target could be found.


"Oh, sorry sir. I...probably wasn't looking at where I was going." He replied embarrassed.

"What's your name bantling?"

"I can't tell you that."

"Why?" He demanded.

"Cause you're a stranger."

"Boys." He pointed, "Teach him a lesson."

The two other men approached him, circling him in swift motions.

"All right I'd back up if I were you." Caleb warned.

"Hahahahahahahahaha." They all laughed.

"Dank farrik, I knew coming into this hall was a mistake." Caleb thought.

Just then, the buffy chubby alien advanced towards him in hopes of grabbing his neck. Much to his demise, Caleb was a Jedi Padawan, and a Jedi Padawan was no joke.

He ducked out of the way just in time so that he ended up grasping the end of a pole.

"Get him boys!"

Caleb dipped under one and blocked the punch of another. Shortly after he managed to flip around the chubby creature and knocked him out with a punch, when he was met by a kick in the chest.

"All right. So we're doing this huh?"

"Kriff is up with this kid?"

"Watch your language chubby, or I'll knock your teeth right out of your stinky breath."

"A brave one you are. What kind of a suckling would dare challenge Pintu?"

"I'm a Pa – I mean umm, I'm a persistent little man so you better watch it."

Just as he was about to knock out the one called Pintu, the unconscious billingsgate somehow respawned and grasped the shoulders of the kid.

"Heeeyahhhh." Pintu punched.

"Okay. That...that one hurt."

After that, he punched Caleb in the face before choking him for roughly around 5 minutes. Caleb coughed at the sight as well as sneezed only to answer boldly with 'Sorry, I'm allergic to bull crap.'

For reasons hitherto unknown, Caleb found himself quite amused at the bullies since he only now saw how childish they were. The two other men laughed while Pintu only kept the furious look on his face, punching the child again and again and again until he dozed off in a pool of blood.

"All right boys, that'll teach him."

"You're lucky we're being generous today, or you'd already be dead." He spat.

"Mmmmmmmm" Caleb groaned, wanting so badly to tease him.

To his misfortune, his lungs were suffocating and his spirit had been pounded out of his very soul.

"Guess I'll just lay low for a while." (Get it? Cause he's on the underlevels of Coruscant as well as the floor.)

Yeah so this probably looks like nothing at the moment but later on I would explore the relationship between my two favourite characters in Star Wars, something I've found to be quite rare globally yet many people still do like it. Including me.

 So here I am, saving your lives. You're welcome my friends.

Hope you enjoyed and see you soon.

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