Chapter Twenty-One

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Soon, school is over and I'm walking home with Keith.

"So, you're popular already," I grin at him.

"Hm," he mumbles. "With whom, may I ask?"

"Uh, everybody?"



"What the fuck are you talking about? Nobody likes me!" Keith barks. I put my hands up in surrender.

"All right, all right! Just all the girls in my grade are talking about how hot and cute and stuff you are."

"Really?" Keith's face brightens, then darkens again. "Your grade only?"

"I don't know!" I snap. "I don't know your grade or any other grade. I just know that my grade likes you."


"Yes, girls, Keith."

We walk the rest of the way in silence. Why only my grade? And girls only? Hmm.

When we reach the apartment, Keith departs for the bathroom and I depart for our room.

Neither of my parents are home yet, so I go in myself and smack into something hard and flat.

"What the hell?!" I scream and look up. It's Harry.

"What are you doing in here?!?!?" I yell.

"Um, I was just fixing your pipes. They're broken." Harry stammers awkwardly, then exits the room quickly. I stare after him. I'm pretty sure he wasn't just fixing pipes.

I do my homework, turn on the tv, turn it off, get my iPod, listen to One Direction.

'Baby, you got me sick, I don't know what I did, need to take a break and figure it out, yeah,'

I dance and sing along to 'Heart Attack.' My voice sounds wonderful, as usual (btw, I'm not bragging).

'Got your voice in my head, saying, 'Let's just be friends,' can't believe the words came out of your mouth, yeah,'

The door opens and I swing around sharply. It's Keith. Wait a second, is he. . .crying?

'I'm trying to be ok, I'm trying to be alright, but seeing you with him, just don't feel right,'

"Keith? Are you ok?" I ask, concerned. Keith never, ever cried. Something horrible must've happened.

'And I'm like OW! never thought it'd hurt so bad, getting over you-oo, and OW! you're giving me a heart attack, looking like you do-oo,'

"JUST FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE, OK???!!!" Keith shouts.

"Keith? What happened?"

'Cause you're all I ever wanted, thought you'd be the one, it's OW! giving me a heart attack, getting over you-oo,'

Keith storms off to his room, slamming the door so hard I can feel the vibrations. I cringe at the sound.

'Baby, now that you're gone, I can't stand dumb love songs, missing you is all I'm thinking about, yeah,'

I sigh and turn off my iPod sadly. One Direction isn't fitting the mood right now.

Suddenly, my phone BWOOPs and I look at it. I have one new text message from an unknown number.

516-234-9123: hey

Evelyn: uh who is this

516-234-9123: duh ruth silly

Evelyn: oh hi! didnt recognize ur #

Ruth: lol well did u do ur hw?

Evelyn: ya

Ruth: ':-)

Evelyn: ????

Ruth: *sigh* can i have the answers

Evelyn: oh ok

I take pictures of the homework and send then to Ruth. I hope I got them right, because if I didn't, then Ruth will suffer my burden too.

Evelyn: here im not sure if theyre right

Ruth: oh well as long as i p

Evelyn: lol haha

Ruth: :-)

Evelyn: im bord

Ruth: me 2

Evelyn: ,'-( zzzzz

Ruth: lolz

Evelyn: my bro is sad or something hes :,-(

Ruth: awwwww whts wrong with him

Evelyn: i dunno wait ill try 2 find out

Ruth: k ttyl when u get the answer

Evelyn: kk

I type in Keith in my texting contacts and push 'Send Message.'

Evelyn: keith

Keith: fuck off

Evelyn: whts wrong

Keith: >:-( GO AWAY

Evelyn: not until u tell me wht happened

Keith: holly broke up with me

Evelyn: SHE DID?

Keith: yup

Evelyn: im sry

Keith: nah im good i was planning 2 dump her soon anyway

Evelyn: ':-(

Keith: haha now go away

Evelyn: k

God, Keith is so stupid sometimes! Actually, rephrase that. HE'S ALWAYS STUPID.

Evelyn: his gf broke up with him

Ruth: *gasp* u think i got a shot at him?

Evelyn: prob

Ruth: :-D

Evelyn: k i gtg

Ruth: kk byeeeeeee

Evelyn: :)

I turn off my phone and turn on my iPod.

'Hey, girl I'm waiting on ya, I'm waiting on ya, come on and let me sneak you out, and have a celebration, a celebration. . .'


Another one!! I'm in the car as I write this but right now when ur reading it I am somewhere in North Carolina if its from December 20-29. Lolzzzz.




Kik me at clawdeen11565. I promise I will answer!!

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