Boss(gender neutral)

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I'm so sorry this took long to make, I didn't have my phone for awhile so I tried getting this written as fast as I could so I'm sorry if it's a bit rushed.

Request: Villian reader x Aizawa

     "Y/n!" The boss yelled to get the attention of the person sitting. They sighed looking over their shoulder knowing they were about to get in trouble.

     "What did I do now?" They asked with a bit of annoyance in their tone. Boss didn't look happy with the laziness of the killer.

     "I thought I told you to make it a simple assassination, get in and get out. It is that simple, but you had other plans and decided to make it known who you were. I don't need them finding you."

     "Aw, does somebody care about me." They knew that was a bad thing to say when the bigger man grabbed them by the collar.

     "I care about them finding me," he spat, as he let go of the h/c haired adult. "I need you to take care of one more person, don't screw up or it will be your last mission." With that being said he handed a folder filled with the targets information. 'Don't screw up he said, if only I could punch that smug smirk of his face.' They scoffed, opening the file their heart stopped wondering if this was really happening. The paper read, "Shouta Aizawa - Eraserhead." There was no way Y/n could go through with this, no one knew they were married, worst of all Aizawa doesn't know about Y/n being a villian. They stared at the photo in fear of not knowing what to do, pulling down the mask they wore, the villian got up from the seat and walked out of the dark building. Their walk home was filled with stress and fear, not knowing how to approach this situation. It was 10:00 pm so Aizawa would be home, probably already in bed. How could this happen? Did he find out? Surely not.

     Y/n kept on questioning themself as they walked into the shared apartment. It was dark inside with small light coming from the tv. Shouta was sound asleep on the couch and Y/n couldn't help but smile thankful that he was safe. They walked to their lover and bent down to give him a kiss on the forehead. Walking into the shared room they started to change, feeling major guilt and sadness as Y/n couldn't stop thinking about what's in those files. After putting sweatpants on they felt arms rap around them and heard Shouta groan.

"About time you're back." He said, Y/n smiled to themself although tears were still rolling down their cheeks. He spun them around and hugged Y/n, "everything is going to be okay, you tried your best but sometimes things have to end." They stayed quiet in his arms letting go of the emotions they held in. Aizawa moved them to the bed, sitting down while trying to comfort his partner.

"I can't do it," Y/n said, they can't believe they were really about to tell him, "I've been lying to you, I'm not a hero. I don't save people, I just end their lives and act like it doesn't matter. I don't want to do this anymore, I don't want to." They let out and they're shocked to hear Aizawa speak.

"I know," Y/n looked up to face him and he patted their head, "I've known for awhile, and I was about to turn you in but I couldn't find it in myself to do so. The thing is I still love you Y/n, and I don't care what you've done or will do." He planted a kiss on Y/n's head and all their worries went away, for a split second they felt happy like this couldn't get any better, and sadly it didn't. In a moment of that happiness it came to end with the sound of glass shattering. The two ducked behind the bed waiting for whoever to show themselves. After a few minutes of silence they heard someone walk in through the window, the sound of glass crushing underneath their feet. Y/n looked over to Aizawa to see him nod, he looked over the bed and used his quirk on the intruder. Y/n decided to use their gun to stun the enemy. While getting out from cover they heard talking and pounding on the door, Aizawa looked through the peephole, and luckily it was just the landlord wondering what the hell is going on. Y/n walked over to the body laying on the floor in their bedroom, they were masked and dressed in all black. Y/n took of the mask and their eyes widened, "What is it?" They heard Shouta say.

"We used to work together," With that being said they thought, if he was here than that means boss knows. "we need to leave." No questions were asked, you both packed essential items in a bag and made your way to the car. Shouta let Hizashi and Toshinori know what had happened and that they'll be out of town for awhile. The car ride was quiet mostly just thinking about what happened recently until Y/n spoke, "I'm sorry about all this there's no reason you should be caught in this mess."

"There's no reason to apologize Y/n, I know what I was getting myself into when I didn't turn you in." They stayed quiet for the remainder of the ride. Arriving at a small cabin they unloaded their bags and got ready for bed. Even though the attack had happened just an hour ago the two were exhausted and just didn't want to think about it, 'Tomorrow.' Y/n thought to themselves, tomorrow they'll figure it out, but for now they just wanted to lay in the arms of their lover. Shouta got into bed and wrapped his arms around Y/n.

"Go to bed darling, we have a long day tomorrow." They smiled at the name and closed their eyes, embracing the warmth that was radiating off of him.

"Tomorrow." Y/n said, finally drifting off to sleep.

Aizawa x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now