Chapter 2 - Arrival

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I slowly wake up. We're still on the road, he was right- it is far. I groan and stretch. "Good morning Princess" he smiles. I move closer to him and look up at him. He's so focused on his driving, well thats good I guess- I don't have to worry about crashing. His hair looks so soft~ i reach my hand to touch his hair, he flinches a bit, i rub his head softly. He becomes less tense. I look at him sadly, why would he flinch. I rub his head more, his hair is really soft. He sighs, "we're almost there. A few more minutes. We can stop by a mart, do you need or want anything?" He asks. "Uhm- sure. Can i come with you and look around?" I reply, he nods and i smile. He's so calm now. He takes a few turns and we arrive at a gas station. He gets out the car and closes the door behind him. He walks over to the door i'm near and opens it. He reaches his and in for me to grab it, I hesitate but do. I get out the car holding onto his hand. "I've never been near here before, I'm a bit nervous" i tell him. He just looks at me and walks inside, i follow still holding his hand. I look around, "can we get water? Im a bit thirsty." I ask him. He walks to where the water is and grabs a bottle, "is that all you want princess?" I nod. We walk to the register and he pays for it. We walk back to the car and he opens the door and i go in. He gets in the driver's seat. "I didn't have to force you to get in the car, and you could've ran. Why didn't you?" I drink the water and look up at him confused. I think to myself that its my fault, i want to know more about him too-. "What's your name? It would be awkward to keep calling you Unknown." I ask him. "Saeran, but Ray is fine too" I look at him, "Saeran- that's a pretty name, I like it." I smile lightly. He starts to drive again. He takes a few more turns and we start going through the middle of nowhere. As he keeps driving we arrive at a huge building. He gets out and opens the door. This time he picks me up (bridal style) and brings me inside the place. He carries me down a hallway and we arrive at a room. The room was huge. He brings me to the bed and places me down. "It's getting a bit dark. I understand you just woke up but get some rest" he tells me. "I don't wanna sleep! Hmph-!" He looks at me. "Oh alright- well this is where you'll stay for now on. Please don't try to leave the room." I grab his hand and pull him close to me. I hug him, he looked confused but also sad. I pet his head like a cat. I tell him to lay down, and he lays on the bed. I lay next to him. He starts to rub my face, i blush a little and smile softly. He starts to rub my head, i move towards him and cuddle him, he's warm. "Mmmm~" i hum happily. He holds me tightly not letting me go. I get a bit sleepy and yawn. He chuckles and murmurs the word "cute~" i blush even more. I get more sleepy but then he gets up and says he needs to go. I frown but he moves my hair out of my face and kisses my forehead. "Goodnight princess" he says than walks out and locking the door. (The lock being on the outside) I check my phone realizing i have over ten missed calls, 3 missed chatrooms and seven text messages. I go through the missed chats and realize they're asking where i am and what happened to me. After i go through the missed chats i enter one and Seven is there.


Y/N: Oh uhm- can we talk about this over the phone, I'm doing fine I'm safe.

Seven: "Okay, it'll be good to hear your voice as well so i know it's you."

|Seven has logged out of the chatroom|

I immediately get a call from him then answer.

Where are you? Are you hurt? Why didn't you arrive at the apartment?

Uhm- uh- well- i had to go cause unknown texted me wanting to meet- and uhm- he kinda drove me to this place-.... Im fine though! Im fine! He's sweet so far, please don't worry about me!

Of course I'm worried he hacked into the messenger AND he kidnapped you?!! Let me send help!

Nonono- uhm- please don't I'm fine. I had my chance to run, but i chose not to, i am staying here for now.

Why- why would you want to stay-

I can tell he needs help, and I'm willing to do what it takes to help him.

God you're reckless Y/N. Be careful, call me again if anything happens.

Of course

I hung up. God he probably thinks I'm crazy. I lay my phone down and stare at the ceiling. Why am I risking everything for this, Seven was right, i am reckless. I close my eyes and sleep again.

Stay Forever~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang