"Let me drive you home, you injured from the car crash correct?"

"I don't need a ride"

"I'm your neighbor, Jay, let me drive you babe"

"Go away Kaden" she said turning away, walking in the direction of her house which is an hour walk away.

~!Jay-J's POV!~

"Go away Kaden" I said voice cracking, turning away starting to walk to where I think my house is. I don't know this area well. I just know the general direction of where it is. I think. There's only one thing I know right now.

I don't know what I'm going to do.

Kaden turns a corner, drives away reluctantly.

~!!~Xander's POV [There's a lot of switching this chapter]~!!~

"Kairi! Have you seen Jay-J?" I yelled up the stair case. Kairi bounds down the steps her hair bouncing around her shoulders.

"No, I haven't actually" she said sounding concerned.

I take my phone out of my pocket and try her number again. "Hello?" she asked sounding scared.

"Jayanna! Where are you?" I ask, Kairi puts her ear to the phone next to my head.

"I don't know" Jay-J whispered, sniffling. I grab my car keys off the side table by the door and run out to my car with Kairi running beside me. We both get into my car, and I start it while having Jay-J explain her surroundings.

"There's a parking garage, and a bus station" she sniffled.

"That's twenty minutes away, its an hour walk! How'd you get so far out"

"I--I don't know" she said finally after a minute of silence.

"We're on our way" Kairi input as we pulled away from the house, starting towards Waver bus station.

"Stay where you are" I told her, she said okay, then the connection ended after a brief static.

"We need to hurry" I told myself, pressing the gas pedal.

Speed is all we need right now, Speed and Luck.


~{Joel's POV}~

"This is nice" Kasey said happily, leaning on my shoulder watching the movie on the tiny television screen in my room.

"Everything's nice when I'm with you" I said sweetly, kissing the top of her head. She 'Awhed' looking up at me.

"I cant believe I used to think you were an idiot" she laughed kissing my nose.

"To think I thought you were a bitch" I laugh, she looked at me with a fake expression of 'how dare you' she playfully slapped my chest.

"You know I love you" I whispered, kissing her on the lips as both our phones ring interrupting us.

"Silence them" she mumbled, I reach for one of the phones on my bedside table, and glance at the caller I.D.


I press talk instead of silence, "Hello?" I breathe, face inches from Kasey's.

"Get the hell out to Waver bus station" he yelled. Bringing me to full attention, I pull away from Kasey.

"What? Why?" I asked looking at Kasey nervously.

"Somethings wrong with Jay-J, bring Kasey, I don't know what's happened" he said rushed and worried.

"Okay, we'll be right there" I said hanging up.

"What's wrong?" Kasey asked.

"I don't know, but we need to get to Waver bus station"

##Justin's POV##

"Justin, young man! Clean your room, we don't need Kairi gagging do we?" My mother screamed from downstairs. I may have forgotten to mention that Kairi isn't staying with us at the moment.

"Yes Ma'm!" I yell, going into my room with no intention to clean. I could hear my phone ringing as I enter. I answer it, dropping onto my bed.

"You've reach sexy be--"

"Justin, we're picking you up right now, something's really wrong. And don't say that when you answer anymore. Just Eww." Kasey said into the phone.

"Uh-Okay" they hang up on me, not letting me say anything. I run out of my room past my mom who's yelling for me to come back.

"Mom, gotta save the world, don't cha' know?" I call out as I run through the front door out to where Joel's car is pulling up. I climb into the backseat, "Now to get Tyler" Joel said, pressing the gas pedal with no hesitation.

()[Tyler's POV]()

"Son, are you sure this is how it is?" My dad asked nervously, my mother next to him staring at me like I was an alien.

"Yeah, it's not a big deal, I'm gay" I say. I'm done hiding in the closet, it's been over a year since I realized I was gay.

"If that's how it is, fine" my father said after a long silence. I breathe a sigh of relief, as my phone rings in my pocket. I look to my parents for permission to answer it.

"No, we need to talk" My father said shaking his head. My mother stayed silent. The phone stops ringing, only to be called again, and again.

After five minutes of silence a car horn blares outside my house, and then there's a knock at the front door. "I'll get it" I say, nodding to my parents in respect.

Walking through the small hallway I answer the front door.

"Hello--" they yank me through the door and pull me towards Joel's car.

"What the hell guys?" I yell getting into the back seat.

"We need to save our girl!" Justin yells as Joel slams the gas pedal.

"Waver bus station here we come!" Joel yelled turning a sharp corner.

Here we come



Well we all know Jay-J's in an abusive relationship but i have some actual stats I'd like to share vv

Teen dating violence runs across race, gender, and socioeconomic lines. Both males and

females are victims, but boys and girls are abusive in different ways:

• Girls are more likely to yell, threaten to hurt themselves, pinch, slap, scratch, or kick;

• Boys injure girls more severely and frequently;

• Some teen victims experience violence occasionally;

• Others are abused more often...sometimes daily.

Approximately 1 in 5 female high school students report being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner.

Half of the reported date rapes occur among teenagers.

When female high school students were asked whom they would talk to if someone they date

is attempting to control them, insults them, or physically harms them, 86% percent said they would confide in a friend, while only 7% said they would talk to police.

You get what I'm saying here? Don't do what Jay-J's doing by not telling, reach out, someones willing to help. Call the Police, talk to a teacher, tell SOMEONE

~~Big Thanks to Pam for helping with the chapter


Trust Me [Book Two in the Broken Promises Series]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora