Chapter 2

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Random thought : Norman's energy is similar to Saiki Kusuo. These two could be friends.

"So, what are we doing in Richard's house?" Norman asked lazily.

Norman, Harry and Corey are currently standing in front of Richard's house. Norman doesn't really know and never talk to this Richard person, but from what Corey said this person is really famous in their school and is their senior just like Anthony the school hygiene monitor. Corey forced– no, invited him and Harry to go to Richard's house. As you can guess, Norman had turned his invitation down. But Harry seemed interested and convinced Norman to tag along. Normally Norman'd stick with his principles, but seeing Harry so excited made him soften a little bit. Harry has always helped him, so he thought just this once he'd go along with their nonsense.

And that's why they're in front of this Richard person's house.

"Not now, I'll explain it later" said Corey as he is fidgeting with his phone.

"What are you doing on your phone?" Harry asked.

"I'm messaging Richard to come down and get the door open," Corey answered.

"His house doesn't have a doorbell?" Harry frowned.

"Yeah, he told me once about it. He said his mother dislikes the sound of doorbell so they don't have it installed in their house."

"Eh~" Harry put both of his hands on the back of his head.

"Ah, finally he replied. He's coming down right now."

'Took him ages,' Norman thought.

There's sound of footsteps making the way to the door. Then the door is swung open by a charismatic smiling figure. Norman gave the guy a quick scan. He has a fair skin, gold eyes and messy shoulder length brown hair. He's rather handsome. Norman can see why this person would be popular with others.

"Hi, sorry for making you guys wait. Come in."

Richard opened the door wider so that they can make their way in. Corey stepped inside first, followed by Harry and unenergized Norman. They sat on the sofa while Richard went to the kitchen to make them drinks.

"Wow, his house is pretty" said Corey as he looked around the living room. Norman did the same. The house had a minimalistic style yet looks good in the eyes.

"This is the first time you two have been in his house, right?" Corey grinned. "I've been here lots of time. I like to come here because this house gives a comfy feeling. Not that mine doesn't, but I like to experience unfamiliarity, haha."

'Thank god I don't have a friend like you, and a house with this style. I can't afford being visited by someone so often' Norman thought.

"Thanks for the wait. Are you guys okay with lemon juice?"

Richard came with a tray with 4 glasses of ice lemon juice.

"That's more than enough," Harry said as he licked his lips. Norman eyed him, thinking why does he always have a glutton for things he can eat or drink. Harry's love for food and drinks is beyond comprehension.

"Here you go," Richard placed the glasses in front each of them.

"Thanks," Corey said and drank it, 10 seconds late from Harry who had took a glug from the drink greedily. Norman sighed in his heart, hoping his friend would have some manners like Corey.

"So what brings you here? Corey and... The friends."

"Hey, why'd you call them like that." Corey laughed. "Let me introduce you to my friends slash classmates, Harry and Norman."

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