"I hope you've been practicing Potter... Legilimens!"

Harry struggled to close his mind, but like usual Snape broke through. The usual images began flashing through Harry's mind, Dudley tormenting him... Cedric dying... Mr. Weasley's attack... but then the images began to change. He saw Cass walking through the door at Grimmauld Place for the first time. He saw her laughing as they sung Bohemian rhapsody. He saw her sleeping on his lap the night of the first party.

Harry yelled and with all of his strength pushed Snape from his mind. "That's private," Harry gasped.

"Not to me."

Harry stood from his chair, but Snape quickly pushed him back down, "control your emotions, discipline your mind."

Anger was bursting through Harry. When Snape raised his wand again, Harry was ready. Before Snape could finish the spell Harry yelled, "Protego!"

It was odd. Harry began seeing memories, but they weren't his. He a school-aged Snape sitting alone by the Black Lake. He was reading a book when a group of teenagers approached him.

"Look James, it's Snivellus," said a boy with shaggy black hair.

Harry looked blankly at the scene. That was his father. Harry could tell because it was almost like looking in the mirror. Once he looked harder, he could tell the boys with his dad were Sirius, Lupin, and Wormtail.

"Don't call him that," said a voice from behind the boys. Harry looked around and saw a small red headed girl. Mum, he thought, it's my mum.

"I don't need help from a mudblood," Snape sneered.

That appeared to be his dad's last straw because his dad raised his wand and cast a curse at Snape. Snape floated feet first into the air. "Now... who wants to see me take off Snivelly's trousers," his dad smirked. Everyone began laughing and cheering on James. Harry watched as his dad began messing with the defenseless Snape.

Before Harry could see what happened next, he was shot from Snape's mind. Harry had never seen Snape so furious. He walked over to Harry and picked him up by the collar of his shirt. "Leave," he sneered, "and don't come back." Snape used his grip on Harry and shoved him toward the door.

Harry didn't bother looking back before running from Snape's office. He didn't slow until he was out of the dungeons. Harry didn't know what to think as he walked back to the common room. He had always thought of his dad as a hero who fought for good until the very end. Sirius had always made it seem like Snape was the one who tormented them, not the other way around. As he walked through the portrait hole, all Harry could see was his dad laughing over a defenseless Snape.

Hermione and Cass were sitting at a nearby table doing homework, but Harry ignored them and went straight to his favorite armchair. They followed him of course and began asking questions as to why he was so upset, but he deflected. Only telling them his Occlumency lessons were over. After a while the pair gave up and continued their homework. Harry watched until Hermione informed them she was going to bed. She left Harry and Cass alone on the common room.

Once Hermione climbed the stairs out of sight, Cass turned to Harry. "Look I know something happened, and I can tell by your expression you need to talk about it."

Harry hated how she was always right. He shook his head then looked back up at Cass, "I accidentally went into Snape's mind tonight... and I saw his memories— well actually I saw one, but it wasn't good."

Cass was looking back at him with an empathic smile. She stood and walked over to where he was sitting. Harry moved over to make room for her in the small chair, but she chose to instead sit on the armrest. She positioned herself so her legs hung over the opposite arm rest and her legs were over Harry's body.

"I'm guessing the memory was about your dad."

"W-what? How'd you know that?"

"I spent a lot of time talking with Sirius when I first got to Grimmauld Place, he told me stories about their days at Hogwarts."

"Oh..." Harry looked down at his lap. How was it everyone knew more about his parents than he did?

"You don't have to tell me about the memory Harry, but I don't want you to have doubts about your dad."

"But what if he was a bad person," Harry spoke into his lap, unable to meet Cass's eyes.

"He wasn't," Cass said simply.

"And how do you know that?" Harry asked skeptically. He was met by a smile from Cass.

"Because everyone says how much alike you and your father are. Teachers... strangers... everyone. And I know you, you are the most loyal, caring, and daring person I know. So if your dad was even a little bit like you... I know he had to be a great person."

Harry looked up at Cass with tears forming in his eyes. He quickly blinked them away, but he couldn't suppress the smile that was forming across his lips. He stayed there for a few moments, looking into her eyes and Cass did the same. He moved his gaze down to her lips. He wanted nothing more than to lean in and kiss her, but he stopped himself. The image of Theo and Cass on the couch stopped him.

"You need to go to bed," Cass said softly before standing from the chair. She held out her hand and Harry grabbed it. With a tug, Cass pulled him from the chair and lead him to the boy's dormitory stairs, "goodnight, Harry," she whispered before planting a lingering kiss on his cheek. Without another word Cass turned and went up the stairs to the girl's dormitories.

Harry stood in shock for a moment before making his way up the stairs. He raised his hand and placed it over the spot on his cheek where she kissed him. Maybe today wasn't a complete dud after all.


Sorry for the short chapter, but don't worry, I'll make up for it soon ;)


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