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Your POV

Tomorrow is my first day of school I'm so nervous but I've decided to go to Taylor's house and surprise her and Katie. I knew from Katie's snap story that they had a sleepover so I grabbed my phone my car keys and my wallet and drove to her house.

-Katie Pego

-17-Portugese-your bsf

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-your bsf

Once I got there her mom opened the door. (t/m: Taylor's mom)

T/m: Y/n hunny is that you?!
Y: Yes I moved back here
T/m: awh come here it was really quiet here without you

She gave me a hug. Taylor's mom was very nice and always there for me.

T/m: Does Taylor know you're back?

-Taylor Figueroa

-18- hispanic (I forgot where she's from sorry)-your bsf

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- hispanic (I forgot where she's from sorry)
-your bsf

Y: No I actually wanted to surprise her is she and Katie here?
T/m: Yea but I think they're still asleep
Y: Well they won't be for too long

Tays mom laughed and I went to Taylor's room. I opened the door took a pillow and hit them w it til they were awake

Y: Wake up bitches
T: what the hell

She said half asleep

K: Taylor I swear to god if you don't stop I'll tell Kairi you have a crush on him
T:Don't you dare! It wasn't even me...
k: what?!

They looked up and saw me

Y: so are you guys going to keep staring at me or what?
T: what are you doing here??
Y: the fuck you mean what I am doing here? I moved back

They both hugged me and we talked and caught up w whatever happened

K: let's go to the mall and then to the spot
T: yes but let's get ready first

They got ready and I just waited in her room. Once they were ready we went to the mall and bought a lot of things and decided to go get ice cream and then go to the spot. I parked the car and we climbed to the entrance of the house tree I was the first one on the ladder and once I've had opened the door I saw...

Mattia, Kairi and Alejandro

Second Chance? ~ A Mattia Polibio FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant