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I got dressed for the coronation I was wearing a dress with my hair up a bit and had a necklace on

I Walked down the stairs to meet everyone else but only Susan and lu and were there

"Omg del you look stunning"Susan said
"Peters going to be drooling" lu said which made me laugh

"Susan lu you're're so pretty lu you look so grown up" I said

Just then I heard Peter and Edmund arguing coming down the stairs

"Edmund you look stupid"
"Peter shut up"
"At least I have a girlfriend I love"
"I hate love"

I cleared my throat

Peter walked up to me "wow em you look stunning" Peter said "and so do you two"he said pointing to his sisters

"Don't look so bad yourself"I said fixing his cape he was wearing

"Edmund you look so grown up" I said

"Thanks del"

Then aslan and Elliot came

"Woah erm del you look beautiful mum and dad would be proud" he said before hugging me

Aslan then said "come on it's time"

The doors opened and I heard a the horns go off
Peter stood next to me and held my hand

We walked down the aisle with all the narnians watching I sent orieus who smiled at me. We got to the seats in order from left to right it was Ed then Peter me then Susan then lu

"From the glittering eastern sea I give you Queen Lucy the valiant" aslan said

Mr tumnus then took the crown and placed it on Lucy's head

"To the great western wood I give you king Edmund the just" aslan said

"The the radiant southern sun I give you queen Susan the gentle"

"To the shining northern star I give you high queen Delilah the brave" I whispered thank you when mr tumnus placed the crown on my head

"And to the clear northern sky I give to high king Peter the magnificent"

We all sat down

"Once a king or queen of narnia always a king or queen of narnia may your wisdom grave us until the stars rain down from the heavens " aslan said

"Long live king Peter"
"Long live king Edmund"
"Long live queen Delilah"
"Long live queen Susan"
"Long live queen lucy"

It was the after party of the Coronation and everyone was dancing

"May I have this dance queen Delilah" Peter said and playfully bowed

"Yes you may king Peter" I took his hand

"I don't know how to dance" Peter said

"Neither do I let's sit over here instead" I said pointing towards two chairs and a table on a balcony

I sat in one seat and Peter the other "so del how are you feeling"

"I'm ok what about you" I said

"Yeah I'm alright just not used to this whole "your majesty" thing yet"Peter said


"You know in the battle I lost my horse"I said

"Oh I'm sorry about that"

"Do you know what he said he said Go Delilah save narnia" I said

"He'll be proud"

And then he kissed me


So yeah we're high queen now !!!!

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