Say What You Will About Snakes, They Are Crafty Litttle Shits

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I watched with a sort of detached look on my face as the camera followed the scene of my death with disturbing accuracy. I waited for the video to end as I itched the spot under my shirt my patrons' symbols had been tattooed to my wrist and shoulder at age ten and eleven. The burning sensation hadn't gone away even in death. It might have just gotten stronger actually. I sighed as the video finished up and the sign of Tyr appeared above my head. I waited a moment before I sat down again as The Nords showed up.  The Hall went quiet with an uneasy feeling as the middle one spoke," Dimi-god of Norse War, Patronized by Greeks and Romans, Marked by Trickster Snake and Hel, She who travel in time shall postpone for Centeries once more, Ranokak." 

I watched my patron's children stare at me as it dawned on the crowd who I was. The elder soldiers shouted and threw their drumsticks and at me. The younger one staired in fear and shock as the souls from ages past yelled," Traitor!"

The Nords vanished but I stood strong as Alex Fierro grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the hall. I followed her and the rest of floor nineteen up to our floor comans where Magus asked me," Who are you really?"

"You can trust the children of him but not me? I know who Sam and Alex are, I feel their power. I am here the same as all of you, Do not think I can cheat the Valikries any more then I can trick Odin himself," I hissed as I yanked my arm away, tearing the sleeve from my shirt. The henna lilly for Hera intertwined with Lupa's paw print and Artemis' moon looped around the Hagall and Kaunaz runes over the one bar from Camp Jupiter. They all stared at my arm before Sam asked," How did he become your patron?" 

" They always appeared as gender-neutral to me. And I can't tell you when exactly they became my patron. Sometime after I left the Rockies the first time I had nearly met your Cousin, Annabeth at the time," I started as I sat down and continued," I am sure that if I had I would've met anyone I had. From there I travelled to where I need to go. I had to be a few full moons after that, I met them. They had appeared in front of me and in between a chimaera. They saved me that day and in return, I pledged my life and afterlife to them. They showed me the labrathin and took refuge within it until I could find the Wolf House. I stumbled across an entrance to Yagracel and Hel... That's when I gained her as a patron." 

I traced the Hagall rune to the moon and wolf print," Later I meant Artemis. She was going to offer me a chance to join the hunt but she saw the runes and the mark on my soul and said I was destined elsewhere, but I would always have a place within her ranks if I need. She blessed me then with skill and tracking ability and a patron. That's how I could communicate with Lupa without being Greek or Romen when I made it to the Wolf House. It was only after I crossed into New Roman that Hera or Juno became my patron.  Hence the Lilly and the bar." 

Magus looked at me and asked," How did you survive that long?"

"How? I didn't... not really. I sacrificed my freedom with each patron I took on. I am surprised I ended up here and not in the Underworld or Hel... I can't take on another one, even if I was alive."

"That's a lot of pressure on one soul," Mallory stated. I nodded," Yes... It burns still." 

"Burns?"  Halfborn Gunderson asked me. I nodded," Notice how I am scared up still? They are my punishment from Odin and my father."

They stared at me before asking Sam asked," You were at the island with Feniri weren't you?"

"Yes... and in the cave when Loki escaped. At least in the way that mattered. I would've changed the surcamstainces in any way that would be good." 

We stood still before breaking up and heading to our own rooms. I walked into mine and marvelled at the way the room was a near carbon copy of the bunks in New Rome. There on the dresser was a photo of the Predators and The Twelfth Legion after the battle of the Mountain. On the other side was a war horn from Camp Half-blood, a gift from Nico after we had run into each other in the Underworld. Yet the empty slot where my sliver bow would have been hung made me frown. For there stood a letter written in Latin. 

"What an interesting turn of events, Ms Culter. You managed something, not even my children could you know what needs to be done." 

I frowned at it as I wrote back my answerer. Yes, I knew what needed to be done, and it wasn't what anyone but the Nords could have seen.

Heros of Half-Bloods: An HOO & Mangus Chase FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora